What do you put in your fuge?


Active Member
live rock rubble, snails, jumbo nassarius snails, sea cukes, fighting conch. if you are trying to build your pod population make sure you put in sand stirring critters and not sand sifting ones.


Active Member
I currently have a 42 gallon fish only tank, and upgrading to a 135 in the near future, god willing. Could I use the sand that I have in my current tank in my fuge, should I decide to go that route? Not sure if I will just do a sump or a sump/fuge...thanks


Cheato and some other multi-colored macroalgae. I am so loving the cheato. So easy to take care of.


Active Member
Heres some pics of mine. Its got 3" fine sand bed 2 lbs of tonga LR rubble and a bunch of cheato. I started with caleurpa but made the switch about 3 weeks ago.
I bought some clams from grocery store for nutrient removal. some turbo snails stromatella snails and hermits. some brittle stars too.
also a green brittle star is in the section by the intake and skimmer.
for lighting I got a 26w light bought off the auiction site, 7" clip on fan for evaporation.
