What do you put in your sump?


Active Member
I am still in the process of setting up my tank and as I get further addicted to this hobby, questions keep coming.
What do you put in the sump....

I added 5lbs LR rubble.


Active Member
I have a 6" sandbed and a few pounds of rubble. I also have a wad of Chaetomorpha algae.


a sump is a place to put ur equipment, skimmers, heaters, pumps. and a refugium is for sand and aglae. i have a 10g sump that has baffles to seperate sand from pump and skimmer. so i have both in one. its only on a 29g tank. so if u have a bigger tank and want a fuge u will have to use 2 10g or one big one and baffle it.


Active Member
Understand what you are saying
I have a 215 gal with a 30gal fuge, see picture. The only equipment I have in there is a heater. My pumps and skimmer are all external.
What would you recommend?
Thank you.



Active Member
Hey Fishy!
30 gallon is not going to do much for your 215 as a fuge. You could ADD another tank for a fuge and keep the 30 for the sump only. I think the number recommended for a fuge is 30 to 50% of the main tank volume. Does this help?
WOW a 215! Let see some pics when ya get it going. :joy:


Active Member
Thanks for the help, always in need since this is my first salt tank.
I have no plans for a fuge(room) but a sump is the best choice for me. ***)
Thanks again.

Here is a couple pics.



Active Member
It sounded from your first post that you were getting started. That looks like you are well under way! Nice rock work, Fishy! Can you see both sides of your tank? That is always nice. ***)
Yup, the biggest problem with a fuge, for me, is the size it has to be.
There are some really neat looking refuges on here that some folks "display" next to the main tank.
Looks good so far-keep us posted.


Active Member
that looks amazing, i have chaeto and some rubble rock in my refuge...i think its helped my nitrates a lot.
it looks like it is two sided, there is linoleum floor on the other side, which means you can walk there...which means viewing pleasure
of course, unless its just a back room for storage etc and to be able to work on the tank
keep it up, what are you plannin on stocking in there anyways?


Active Member
I see you got the "inwall" type stand from oceanic.. without any finish. They don't really leave much room underneath for a decent sized sump, which sucks. Can you take a closer up picture of your sump from the side? I really want to see the circled areas...


Active Member
Farmboy, Thanks for the compliments. They are appreciated. Well just getting started meaning new to saltwater and the tank. It is only couple months old. The tank is built into an arch and is a devider between the kitchen and family room. I did not want to have the cabinets untill the kinks are worked out with the equipment.
Bronco, Thanks for the compliment. I am planning on more rubble to help with the microbubbles. Skimmer produces a few. Not sure what I am going to stock it with. Any suggestions.

Wax, You are correct on the stand from Oceanic. Space is limited. Just enough room for pumps and skimmer and that is about it. I am at work at the moment but can tell you the 2 areas you circled, there is a 2 inch gap for the water to flow. I can take a picture when I get home if you need a better shot.

Thanks for all the help and compliments.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
the 2 areas you circled, there is a 2 inch gap for the water to flow
That's what I thought I was seeing... you aren't going to be able to use that area for a sandbed then. Not sure what you can do with that thing. I guess you could float a wad of Chaeto in there. But you would need to put a light under there... dunno if you want to do that.


well i see u dont have much room under there. i have the same problem, under my 55gal. anyway i have 2 10g under mine, maybe u can move the sump over an place a 10gal fuge in there, it definity wouldnt hurt. but if u dont wanna do that u could put some sand and algae in the middle of ur sump now. i see it has baffles so it would work. from the looks of it u have alot of live rock so ur good on the bio filter. u reallt dont need a fuge. since this is ur first tank u really dont want to make it complicated. well the tank looks great keep up the good work.!


Originally Posted by jobob
well i see u dont have much room under there. i have the same problem, under my 55gal. anyway i have 2 10g under mine, maybe u can move the sump over an place a 10gal fuge in there, it definity wouldnt hurt. but if u dont wanna do that u could put some sand and algae in the middle of ur sump now. i see it has baffles so it would work. from the looks of it u have alot of live rock so ur good on the bio filter. u reallt dont need a fuge. since this is ur first tank u really dont want to make it complicated. well the tank looks great keep up the good work.!

Ahhh, if the makers of some of these 'tank tables' really intended them to be used for aquariums... :notsure:
Oh well, add a candle and some pinecones and -poof- neuvo aquarium


Active Member
I think you said it, keep it simple since this is my first tank. Room is annoying but if I had my pumps in the sump, we would not be talking about it, it would have been done.

Ohh well, I like the pinecones and candle idea....Have any extra..

Thanks for the ideas.