what do you think about my tank


hi i wanted to show you my tank and please i want to know what everyone thinks and be honest. also i would like to know what i can do with the red algee?


I believe there are some posts that you can search for about the red algea, but it can be caused by using tap water. I have seen red slime algea killers...but i'm not recommending them to you cuz i've never used them and really don't know how they perform. I think some ways it can be reduce is running your lights a little less and feeding a little less...I've def. read a whole thread on it once though so you ough to try a search for it.
But it looks like you're off to a good start.


when you can....a little more live rock would fill your tank out nicely :)


some things you can do to get rid of the cyano are: feed less. maybe every other day. turn your lights down to 6 or 7 hours a day, and get a good cleanup crew and get a lawnmower blenny or something that keeps algie to a minimum. what type of water do you use? tap water may be supplying it with nutrients


i use a tap water filter that works nice. i do feed them 2 times a dayu because of the tank ill start feeding them every other day


What kind of filter is it? I bet there's still a BUNCH of bad stuff getting into your tank from it. I used tap water for a long time...i've had a swtank for 3 years and the first 2 years i've used tap water....now my boyfriend bought an RO/DI unit and he gives me water. I've never seen my tank so healthy and I can't recommend one enough! The water even looks clearer, just everything about my tank is better because i've started using better water. Maybe if you can't afford an Ro/DI unit cuz i know they're expensive (which is why the boyfriend bought one and not me :D ) try using distilled water. I think you'll notice an improvement!


its a tap water purifier. there is a post there is a real nice quality water it cant be that because there are people that use this and do not have the issue


maybe...but your tap water isn't their tap water. The elements and nutrients in tap water differ from town to town and even neighborhood to neighborhood.
That's fine if you think the water is good enough, it was just a suggestion!


Active Member
by looks of your tank i can only see one power head i would add another for more flow the cyano love tanks with low flow i bet if you put another power head on the other side and point it down by it it will in time go away...


Active Member
and old light bulbs will make cyano break out as well ok i see two pumps in your tank maby move one up front..


Cyno is just part of the cycle... you can get products to kill it... but great tank other than that... definatly off to a great start!!!


Good start Man,
I whooped my cyno by cutting down the lights by a few hours a day increased h20 flow and cut down on the food. it doen't look to me like there is enough of anything in there yet to demand two feedings a day..
oh yeah fill that bad boy with lots o rock. It is the best filter you can get ... el natural.