What do you think about this 75gal setup/stocking?


Active Member
Ok after refining my selections a bit more, tell me what you think. Will all the gobies get along. Do I need to add anything, I may add some more hermits. Will I be ok with just LR/LS and a skimmer and no mechanical filtration? Anyone used on of the titanium heaters?
75 gallon Oceanic tanks
DIY stand and canopy
NO lights for start, upgrade to MH later
AquaC Remora Pro skimmer
4 Maxi-jet powerheads, upgrade later to tunze stream
Pro Heat Titanium heater 250watt
Instant Ocean salt
Typhoon III RO/DI
Salifert test kit
60 LB Hawiian dead rock
50 LB FL aquacultured rock
100LB FL livesand
50 blue leg hermits
13 turbo snails
2 tiger tail cucumbers
2 serpent star
1 pistol shrimp
4 pepermint shrimp
1 banded shrimp
FISH: (not in any perticular stocking order)
1 yellow tang
1 six line wrasse
2 percula clownfish
1 bicolor blenny
1 bicolor pseudochromis
1 firefish goby
2 neon blue goby
1 court jester goby
1 orange stripe prawn goby
not sure yet but I will be putting in various bubble, frogspawn, hard corals and maybe clams


Coral banded shrimp can be kind of territorial and don't always play nice with other shrimp.


Active Member
I would ditch the CB and go with a pair of Scarlet Cleaners.
Also - why not get a drilled 75 with a sump/refugium underneath?


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
I would ditch the CB and go with a pair of Scarlet Cleaners.
Also - why not get a drilled 75 with a sump/refugium underneath?

Also, how deep do you want your DSB to be? I've got 200lbs of sand (dead and live sand) in my 75g tanks and it's about 4.5" deep.


yeah CBS with gobies = CBS with an oversized stomache. My brothers CBS just caugt a damsel the he put in his tank a couple of days ago. I might get less blue legs and thrown in some hwaiian zebra hermits for variety. They are really cool and a lot of people say they do a better job cleaning than the blue legs. I have both and haven't really watched observed their cleaning habits enough to back up this claim, but i do like the zebras better just based on their colors. When I got them they were all tiny but now some of them are bigger than my blue legs :eek: I would also get more snails, probably about 25. I personally have many of the fish on your list in my 75. I have a sixline, 2 clowns, a firefish and a court jester. Court jester gobies are really nice and less common than most. The fish on your list that will, in my estimation, cause major problems is the bicolor pseudochromis. Although small, they are one of the meanist fish in the business. My friend who works at a lfs said that once they made the mistake of putting one in their display tank with a 5" tang (can't remember what kind) and it killed the tang!!! Just repeatedly attacked the tang until it died. You are going to need more sand if you want a dsb, I have over 200 lbs in my 75 and have a 4-5" dsb. You might not need 4 maxi-jets, 2 or 3 would probably be enough. I would just get 2 and then add more as desired. Also you will be fine with no mechanical filtration.


I agree on ditching the CB for the Cleaners. Cleaners help fight ich...Nice addtion to any tank.
As far as drilling the tank...I prefer not to myself.
1. It give you yet another place to allow water to leak in a disaster if one should happen.
2. They take up a good bit of corner space.
3. The Allglass versions I have seen come with small return pipes and its like a pressure washer coming out of there.


Active Member
i would ditch all the hermits and get a large variety of snails allot of people have problems with their hermits picking at corals especially the blue legs
as far as the fish list sounds ok to me i have a bicolor pseudo
and he is not the meanest thing i have ever seen but i do predict he will bother the blenny and some of the gobies
the bicolors imo only do well with fish larger than themselves anything i add that is the size of mine he goes after but they are great little fish and have an incredible personality i really dont think i would be concerned with one going after a 5" tang although i guess it is possible


Well, I'm sure that was an extream case and I didn't see it with my own eyes so who knows how accurate that story actually is...
but what kinds of corals do hermits pick at? I have 4 different kinds or hermits in my tank including blue legs and I have never seen them do this.


Active Member
not all hermits will pick at corals it is one of those some will and some wont type things
a good comparison would be flame angels some nip at corals some dont


Active Member
ok so I'm gonna ditch the coral banded shrimp and the bicolor pseudochromis and add some cleaner shrimps and maybe another goby or two in place of the bicolor, I'm definately not doing a sump or refuge now, maybe a refuge later though, I'm only gonna get 100lb of LS cause I really don't wanna take up all the space for 200lb but I may add a DSB to the fuge when I do that, thanks for the input


my blue legs spend a lot of time picking through my zoos. they also climb on my digis and like to play seesaw on my devils hand. nothing malicious, but the polyps do tend to retract when there are 5 hermits trying to stand on one button polyp.


Active Member
I have a 75 gallon tank.
I keep 4 fish in it with various mixed corals, VHO and MH lighting.
Personally I think that if you're planning to have a coral reef tank too, that by keeping 11 fish in there, it "may" cause some problems.
Even if you keep smaller varieties of fish, having too many can cause some territorial issues, not to mention making it much harder to maintain water quality.
Many of the cool corals we all like will not tolerate poor water conditions.
Not that it can't be done by any means - but it makes it more difficult IMO ;)
I wish you well with your selections.


Active Member
are goby's very territorial? I was thinking most of the fish except for the yellow tang were not very territiorial, my tank is gonna start out FOWLR and I'm hoping to get it up and running around christmas so I'm just planning everything now, later I'm gonna upgrade lighting and go full reef , the blue leg hermits come with the LR/LS package I'm getting but I won't buy any additional ones, I'm definately gonna put more fish in there than 3 but if I have 1 yellow tang, 2 perc. clowns, and a six line wrasse how many gobys could I have to keep the water in ok shape for corals?


Active Member
ok so what if I have the 75 gallon tank and a 40 gallon fuge, would that lessen the bioload per gallon to let me put a few more fish in the tank......no sump
again here's the revised fish list
1 yellow tang
1 six line wrasse
2 percula clownfish
1 bicolor blenny
1 firefish goby
2 neon blue goby
1 court jester goby
1 orange stripe prawn goby
1 diamond watchman goby
btw which gobies are the ones that live in the holes with the shrimp and which kind of shrimp?