what do you think about this fish list


i am getting ready to set up a 29 gal biocube. and i was wondering about this fish list
three blue gree chromis
three pajma cardnials
one scooter bleny
one dwarf long nose hawk
and a small star fish...dont know what kind any suggestions? and of course a coupple snails and hermits.
i know thats alot but i was wanting to know the opion of difrent ppl. i thought that i might be able to squeez in the bleny because they are in the rocks most of the time. the cardnials and chromis stay small as does the dwarf hawk. if that isnt too much what about a strawberry basslet added in last. i know if i went to my lfs they would say oh yeah they would be find but i know someone that has tangs and angels and about 8 other fish in his 29 and its BEAUTIFUL! thanks for the input! :cheer:


Originally Posted by mcsd22
I don't think you could ever get 29 gallon to handle that bio load.
does anyone have any ideas than? i dont want a tank that when you look in there you see nothing because you have little to none fish in there or they are all hiding. im open for some suggestions.


What kind of filtration are you going to have? If you get a skimmer and a nice filter then it'll work.


i am hoping to put a 5 or 10 gal tank underneith and rig up something of my own with live rock and a pump allong with the filter that comes with the bio cube wich is a three stage filtration. and thanks for the advice. but i am going to re-think the hawk fish. and the cardnals like to be in pairs anyway so just stick with the two of them...i will just have to see how it goes. will keep u updated though.


Blondie 00,
I have the following in my 26 gallon bowfront.
2 false percula clowns
3 pajama cardinals
1 valentini puffer
1 yellow clown goby
1 two spot goby
1 royal gramma
I thought it would be too much, but so far so good. They have all been in for about a month. I know thats not a long time, but I thought I would sharemy thoughts so far. I am currently cycling my second tank. I think I am going to take the pajama cards out and move them to the new tank, and replace them with 1 Bangaii Cardinal. The Pajama cards just seem to big in comparison to all the rest except the puffer, who may also find a new home in the new tank.
My water parameters have not changed markedly since I added the cards. I do have a sea clone 100 protein skimmer on a 26 gallon tank mind you.
Good luck :happyfish


I would do this:
pair of ocellaris clowns
purple firefish
a couple of gobies (like the green clown goby)
royal gramma or orchid dottyback
pygmy hawfish or cardinal
maybe a cherub pygmy angel
Good luck!!


that sounds wonderful. like i said i didnt want a tank that had too little fish in there. i love there beauty. the list that you said sounds great. thanks for everyones help.!!!