i am getting ready to set up a 29 gal biocube. and i was wondering about this fish list
three blue gree chromis
three pajma cardnials
one scooter bleny
one dwarf long nose hawk
and a small star fish...dont know what kind any suggestions? and of course a coupple snails and hermits.
i know thats alot but i was wanting to know the opion of difrent ppl. i thought that i might be able to squeez in the bleny because they are in the rocks most of the time. the cardnials and chromis stay small as does the dwarf hawk. if that isnt too much what about a strawberry basslet added in last. i know if i went to my lfs they would say oh yeah they would be find but i know someone that has tangs and angels and about 8 other fish in his 29 and its BEAUTIFUL! thanks for the input! :cheer:
three blue gree chromis
three pajma cardnials
one scooter bleny
one dwarf long nose hawk
and a small star fish...dont know what kind any suggestions? and of course a coupple snails and hermits.
i know thats alot but i was wanting to know the opion of difrent ppl. i thought that i might be able to squeez in the bleny because they are in the rocks most of the time. the cardnials and chromis stay small as does the dwarf hawk. if that isnt too much what about a strawberry basslet added in last. i know if i went to my lfs they would say oh yeah they would be find but i know someone that has tangs and angels and about 8 other fish in his 29 and its BEAUTIFUL! thanks for the input! :cheer: