what do you think of my idea??



Well, after researching means of filtration for quite some time, i think i have decided on what to do with my tank. First off, its a 55 gal, soon to be reef tank with a few fish (less than 5 clowns probably). For filtration, I have decided to have a 5 inch bed of live sand as well as a 10 gal sump/refrigum which will house the skimmer and heaters. The way my tank is situated, it is in a corner with a window adjacent the tank. I think i am going to put the sump in front of the window to save on lights, what do you guys think? My first reaction is that it will promote alage, but I wanted to see what you guys think. Also, will this be enough filtration?? thanks! any input is very appreciated.


Active Member
Sounds like a plan. Except, the window is an interesting idea. Im not sure if it is ideal though. I hear the ideal thing to do with a fuge, is keep it lit 24-7.
Based on that, I would just get some cheapie flourescents and use those. Im not sure if sunlight, especially varying hours of it, would cause the caulerpa to go "sexual". Very interesting idea though. :cool:


thanks for the reply! I have some cheapy freshwater fish lights, do you think that would be enough. For some reason, i thought that the culpeura (sp?) required intense lighting. Do you think i could get by with just the live sand? Thanks!!


Active Member
Caulerpa doesn't need intense lighting, but it will appreciate it 24/7. Your cheap fw lights should work just fine. (You may want to get some new bulbs down the road, but really, cheap lights are fine for caulerpa). I think you'd have a hard time getting by on sand alone. But it's going to be a reef tank right? So you'll have live rock? If you have 40-60 lbs of live rock, a dsb, and your skimmer then you should be in terrific shape for filtration.


excellent, yeah, It will have near 80 lbs of live rock and after cured, close to 150 lbs of sand :) Any cheap way to cultivate live rock? :)


Active Member
yeah, put base rock in a tank with good flow with live rock for a few months and it'll become 'live' rock. (it will though of course cause a cycle which is why you want a separate curing tank, not a tank with fish in it)


I am in no hurry, I am going to be cultivating about 60 lbs of live sand as well as 40 lbs of live rock, probably should be done by winter :)


Not sure yet, I'm still dumbfounded by all the material and research needed to make this a sucessful hobby. We need to meet sometime, maybe start an AU reef club :) I know I could use any local help! I fly out of AU airport, so if you ever need a quick trip to atlanta of Bham, let me know ;-)


interesting, you wouldnt happen to have any live sand you'd like to sell would you?


Skilos, Sounds great man! When is the tank going to be broken down? My RO DI unit is on the way as well as my salt. Quick question, perhaps I am revealing my ignorance, but does live sand and or rock require lighting to cycle??


Active Member
I think everyone pretty much nailed this one for you. But, the FW lights may work. Ive heard that fuge caulerpa really isnt picky when it comes to lights. However, my fuge is just getting finalized today. So I dont want to steer you wrong. :cool:
PS, yah, i just plan on using some cheapie home depot aquarium flourescents. :cool: