This hobby, and for me it's a passion, is expensive!
Remember, be patient with your tank. Take all the time you need to upgrade to metal halides.
Let your tank mature, read lots and lots, figure out which fish/corals and inverts you really like, think about if you would ever upgrade to a larger system?
I waited a full year before upgrading to metal halides and wanting that reef tank with lots of corals and inverts.
By then, I knew alot more about the corals, the care they needed and what
I will need to do to keep them alive, as well as the rest of the system and all that lives within it.
When I did upgrade, I did my homework and found a light that fit my budget, yea right, and would provide me with ample light to house the corals and anemones I wanted.
I have found that more people within this community, have had problems and we all have problems, I mean the biggest problems, when they rush into setting up really expensive systems before they mature or know enough about how to house and care for their systems.
IMO, metal halides are the best for corals and inverts, the deeper your tank, the higher the wattage you should get, unless you really want to go with SPS, then go with no less than 250 watt MH with the 14k/20k bulbs.
Just my two cents worth, hope it helps, lots of luck with the tank.