What do you think??


I purchased a clown trigger from a lfs yesterday. At the time of purchase the fish looked a bit stressed. Per the lfs, they just got done cleaning the tank and moved some rocks etc. Stupid me I went ahead and purchased the trigger. The fish did not appear great in the bag. Took it home acclimated the fish for 1 plus hour......Fish died about 2 hours after putting trigger into quarantine tank. Parameters all within normal limits....
Question to you all: Is it buyer bewear or should the lfs refund the money?
Outcome: Luckily for me the Lfs did exchange the fish....Gave me an attitude however!


Sorry, but if the fish didn't look good in the store I would not have bought it
Lucky the store gave you an exchange.....from what I hear most will not
Hey....where in Orange County are you from????


Originally Posted by drtash
bad place to live these days. pretty sad
Really...HMMM...Sorry to hear that too...I was there 2 years ago, and almost didn't even recognize my old neighborhood.....so much new stuff.....


Originally Posted by drtash
tons of gangs,, shootings and fighting going on there lately
YIKES.....I left there over 15 years ago...I still have an aunt, uncle and cousins in Middletown....I spent a lot of time there while I was growing up...."visiting" :)