What do you think?


I'm starting my planning for my next aggressive setup. Should have the room for a new tank in a couple of months. I already have a porc that will be moved to this tank. Here's the list: Porcupine Puffer, Corris Wrasse, Flounder, Cortez Dragon Eel, and a Niger Trigger. what do you think about this mix? What size tank would you use? And last what about filtration?


Active Member
Which species of coris wrasse? I'll assume the red, since that is the most common. Flounder need excellent water quality, and a very fine dsb. They also aren't the hardiest of fish. I'd substitue it for another fish. I'd say you would need at least a 180 for all those, the larger the better. A very good wet/dry as well as a protein skimmer will also be needed. A UV sterlizer wouldn't hurt either. Then you would need powerheads, etc. Bo


I should have mentioned that it is the red corris wrasse. I was thinking about a 200 gallon maybe a bit larger. Any suggestions as far as a replacement for the flounder? I'll also add the other stuff ie DSB, LR, and powerheads. Protein skimmer I think I'll go with a Berlin. What is a good wet/dry brand?


Look at my post in toms topic its about the Dragon Eel. <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />


Where is that topic. I did a search and didn't find it. Actually after reading a little more I think I may change to another eel. These sound as thought they are very aggressive. Maybe I'll look at a tesselata or aomething along that line. Still researching.


Active Member
Cortez or Mexican dragons aren't nearly aggressive as their Hawai'in counterparts. Tesselattas are much more aggressive than Cortez dragons, and are the most aggressive eel frequently encountered in the pet trade, and the second or third most aggressive of all eels. I'd keep the Cortez dragon, IMO they are beautiful. They are piscivorous (unlike snowflakes and the other common eels), so don't keep them with any fish that can fit in their mouths. Bo


Thanks for the info on the cortez. If they are not as aggressive than I will give it a try. The porc, the niger trigger, and red coris wrasse should be large enough not to fit into its mouth. Any other suggestions on inhabitants that would go well with this mix?


Would a harlequin mix with the niger, porc, and red coriss? If so would a 240 be large enough? Also any suggestions on a wet/dry? Should I also add a refugium?


Active Member
Those fish should get along fine, and a 240 is plenty big for them. I wouldn't do a refugium as it really wouldn't help filtration as much IMO with all the messy eaters. They really only work best in reef tanks and som fowlrs. Bo