What do you use as a Refuge Substrate?


Active Member
Please add what you use, pros and cons, your tanks success with the refuge and pics if you would like. Thanks.


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I used to have sand but then I fell for all of the hype over miracle mud and switched to it. I wished I hadnt. I dont see any benefits to it and a big negative is that it is easily disturbed.Every time that I harvest my macro, I get a big cloud of muddy water that overflows into my return area and gets pumped into my tank. In the near future I will be upgrading to a bigger tank and bigger sump/refugium and the mud will be getting tossed. I will be going back to sand or possibly crushed coral when I do upgrade. The reason for the crushed coral is because I just found a bag of it in all of my supplies. I didnt know I had it, so I might as well use it.


i will be getting a refugium/sump built soon and plan on LS/LR/cheato. i was looking into the mud, but train may have just warded me off it :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
sand partition mudi find cheato a bitch to use as substratum
Joe, I should get my project going within the next month or so. I will def send a lot of pics.


I use the kent marine substrate in my refugium and its ok but it stirs up really easily.
I used to have chaeto in the refugium until last week when I changed it out for a clump of agar.
The agar seems to grow alot faster and when it gets too big I can throw a chunk in the display tank and all the algae eaters go nuts for it.