Hair algae is usually the last on most creatures lists to each. Anyone that claims their animals love to eat hair algae is either mistaken or very fortunate. I think you will have to get your nitrate down very low to win the hair algae battle. Crabs may help a little, but they have their own problems. Finding something to eat dead snails should not be necessary. Bristle worms, Nassarius snails, and others are happy to do that. You should not have snails dying in any quantity. Yeah, one can fall on its back and be unable to right itself, or get sucked into a powerhead, but that should not happen often. If your snails are dying, that is an indicator of bad water conditions. Keep checking your ammonia and nitrite. They need to be zero. You can get by with some nitrate (although you will be fighting algae), but you can not get by with measurable ammonia or nitrite.