What does a Coral Beauty Eat?


I just purchased one and have it in my QT Tank and am unsure of what to feed him. I generally feed formula 1 and 2 and alternate with frozen food. (Purchased a mixed frozen sample pack)
Also, how long should I QT a fish before adding it to my DT to be on the safe side?
1 day? Kidding, just kidding. I'm really wondering if it's like 2 weeks or more like 4-6.


mine wont touch nori sheets and ignores flake. it does pick at pellets and really loves brine shrimp.


Mine, before he bit the dust(during old tank tear down and new tank setup) poor soul
would eat mysis, pellet, flake, brine, and marine cuisine. LIL PIGGY it was!!!


Active Member
Actually, mine loves to eat the concoction I make.
I believe it is Beth that had a recipe she uses to feed her fish. However I couldn't find the exact thread I saw it in so I created something either exactly like it or similar:
4 raw shrimp
3 - 4 raw oysters
1 large crab
1 little piece of spinach (or nori already soaked)
a couple of scallops
About a tablespoon of saltwater from the tanks
** Sometimes, I add a little brine or bloodworms to the mix for the hell of it. **
Put it all in a mini food processor and give it a couple of pulses until it is small enough for the fish.
Then I put it in the freezer to freeze.
You can put some in the empty frozen Formula One container and let it harden if you want to have exact sizes or you can freeze it in a plastic square or rectangular tupperware type of container.
When frozen, pop it in a baggie or store the stuff in the Formula One blisters.
When defrosting, add some freshly pressed garlic and add a teaspoon of saltwater and let it sit in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then go ahead and feed it to the fish.
Everyone seems to love this recipe. Vitamin supplements are good to add to the mix as well - just to balance out their diet.
This whole thing costs very little and lasts quite some time.
Keep in mind when you go to the seafood counter more than likely the amount of individual items may not even register a heavy enough weight for the label to be printed.
The mix (minus the bloodworms and brine) costs about a buck to make - tops!
Just another idea...
Denise M.


Do you have to defrost it in the fridge? or can you add it straight to the tank? I was defrosting my food in a cup of water and straining it through a shrimp net.... But I was wondering if I even had to that, especially with the store bought food...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Deny
Do you have to defrost it in the fridge? or can you add it straight to the tank? I was defrosting my food in a cup of water and straining it through a shrimp net.... But I was wondering if I even had to that, especially with the store bought food...
To maintain the mix as fresh as possible I do it. I supposed since it defrosts in a few minutes you don't HAVE to do it. I kind of look at it as I like my food fresh, why shouldn't the fish expect the same?
As for store purchased food, I hold the same philospohy.
Denise M.


I've had mine for about 2 weeks and still trying to figure out what "she" likes. my wife thinks it's a girl. ha
haven't seen it eat nori yet, i think it likes squidd. i saw some of the coral beauties at LFS eating calcareous algae.