What Does Aiptasia Look Like


Active Member
Please post a pic. I keep hearing that such and such fish eats aiptasia anemone, but have no clue what the stuff looks like



Active Member
Thanks a lot.
I've actually seen a few of these in my tank. Can't I just pull it off the rock it's on?
I bought a copperband butterfly and was told that they eat these anemones. Should I let the butterfly feast on them?


Active Member
Some CBBF will eat them but mine never did. Give it time to see if it will or just juice them.


Active Member
Why are these anemones so bad?
My copperband hasn't eaten much food yet and I"m worried. What do you feed yours?


Active Member
Originally Posted by EUPHORIA
Thanks a lot.
I've actually seen a few of these in my tank. Can't I just pull it off the rock it's on?

NO.....according to Bang or NM......this can cause a release of zillions of spores into your tank and cause more growth..... :scared:
If you can get to it.......take the rock out of your tank and pour scalding hot water over the aptasia...


New Member
I don't know about zillions of spores, but you can't really pull them off the rock. They will regrow from what is left behind. I have killed them by using a syringe and injecting them with a very strong milky kalk mixture. Now I have shrimp that keep them knocked down pretty well.


i have this on ein my 30 gallon :scared: I am keeping a VERY close eye on the tank. Luckily, he is obviously attached to something I can take out pretty eaisly to get rid of him when needed.

Right now, He'sut of the way and pretty harmless. (the syrnge is standing ready however!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lafster
I don't know about zillions of spores, but you can't really pull them off the rock. n

OK not zillions....but I know for fact he said A LOT (maybe one of them will chime in)
You don't want to pull it off in the water or out. In the water will potentially gorw in many places and out of water will not kill it. Like I said, scalding hot water if you can get the rock out OR I hear Joe's juice works (I have not used that.)


Active Member
I bought peppermint shrimp for mine, didn't work. I tried boiling water, didn't work. Then I got joe's juice and it finally got rid of them.


Active Member
The only one of that anemone that I have in my tank came on the LR that I bought from the LFS and I did my cycling w/ that LR. Would the anemone survive the cycling? I can see it doesn't have much color, but don't know if the

is alive or not.
Originally Posted by corally
I bought peppermint shrimp for mine, didn't work. I tried boiling water, didn't work. Then I got joe's juice and it finally got rid of them.

What is Joes juice and where can I get it? Thanks


Originally Posted by obsessedwithfish
What is Joes juice and where can I get it? Thanks
You Should be able to pick Joes juice up at your local fish store. If not you can more than likely order it off the web.


Active Member
I use Joe's Juice it is a lot easier then removing the rock from the tank to use hot water. I use the Joe's Juice on the one's i can get to then I have peppermint shrimp to eat the one's that regrow or that I can't get to.


Active Member
If it's not safe to just pull the aiptasia off from the rock and discard it, since it can have spores all over the tank and populate, then how is it ok to leave it in the tank and have shrimps or copperbands eat it? What if during their eating they also cut through the aiptasia and release spores in the tank as well?
I can see one of those in my tank right now, but it seems to be dead, because it came on the LR I bought and the LR was exposed to air for a while. It's dirty yellow in color and never grows or anything.


They're not bad in the sense that they are toxic or going to eat your fish or anything, they grow and spread very rapidly. They are a nuscience more than anything. (I hope I spelled that right) and really not anything to look at either.


They will sting and kill any coral they come in contact with. Euphoria, if yours is visible, it is alive. If it's in a good location, you can drop a pinch of salt on it. Hold the salt til your right above the anemone and then release it. It will fall on and burn the anemone. That's how I got my first one gone. Wanna see a cool looking one??... The backround rock is crushed coral, so you know for size reference...


Active Member
TIZZO - you've been so much help to me. Can I buy you a beer? :jumping:
the one I can see in the tank is easily reachable, so I can try the salt method. Will regular salt used for cooking at home work?