What does evryone do for a living?


Active Member
Well, I am a 7th grader, and I think that says it all. I sub for friends on their paper routes, and pretty much ALL money I get, goes to my fish tank. So, thats kinda how it goes down for me. Thats why my tank isnt all that impressive...not enough money to make it look good!


I'm a certified phlebotomist, better known as a vampire. Currently, I only practice my army wife profession. lol


Yes im a pimp too. IM in colorado why did you think o was in florida? i was down there last week though on vacation.


i used to work fixing computers for my uncle.. then working at my uncles auto salon.. then now im a weekend poker player.. hehe


Well..... currently I am an do admin work for an architect firm, but I turned in my two week today! I got another job as a co-manager for Express. Still trying to decide if this is the right thing? Here are the pros/cons let me know what you think;
pros of architect firm:
weekends/holidays off
set schedule
mindless, no overtime always leave onltime etc
cons of architect firm:
BORING - but hey i get to surf on here all day!
same mindless task everyday
low person in office - i get the friday morning bagels! :mad:
pros of express:
over 10,000 more $$$$!!!!

i am the boss

will work easier with my school schedule because I will have week days off
cons of express:
going to have to work over 40 hours i am sure
sales demanding
only one weekend off a month
so what would you do?


with the express you jsut work weekends? 10k is enough for a nice tank! and you woudl only have to work 2 days a week if i understood you correctly. HHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM id go express.


but thats just me i hardly have to work except when given a job for me team and i and i still get paid the same no matter how much i work as long as i get what they want done.