what does it eat?



They eat leftover fish food, plancton, and some algea. it is reef safe, compatible with cleaner shrimp and not taratorial. i have one. ITS GREAT! :D


many times they will do just fine with other shrimp but i have known of them killing other species of shrimp and they will kill each other if not paired up. they are a very beautiful shrimp that will eat just about anything (like most shrimp) but have been known to be aggresive toward other shrimp.. not at all saying that Mr. bubble is wrong some people have no problem at all with them esp. in a larger tank but just be careful..just in case.. hope this helps..

old hermit

they are not always compatible with other shrimp. sometimes they will kill all other shrimp you put in there. i had one and then i sold it so i could get a cleaner shrimp. but some people who try it dont have any problems then some do. but they are reef safe and do a great job of cleaning up the tank at night usually. i never seen mine in the daytime.


Wow! i didnt know soooo many people had probs with the banded coral shrimp! Mine is the best. he is friend with the cleaner shrimp. he and the other shrimp all stay together in the "cleaning" area in the tank. im am thinking of adding a fire shrimp to the tank. i hear that they can be kept with7 of the same or different species. is that true?


The fire shrimp is the same as a cleaner exept it is mostly red w/ white legs and some white spots on head. another name for it is a blood shrimp. I would get a pic of it but i dont know how to get it on the post. ANYBODY HAVE ANY IFO ON A FIRE SHRIMP?


They are most commonly refered to as blood shrimp. I really don't know any specifics, but they are basically the same as cleaners. I was playing with one today at the LFS. I would stick my finger in the tank and he would latch on trying to find stuff to pic off.


Thats what our cleaner does..Hes a riot...
But as far as Ive seen and heard..Coral Banded can be semi-aggressive..you need to be careful..
~Susie :rolleyes:


I have 1 coral banded, 1 fire shrimp, and 2 cleaner shrimp. They all get along fine. Although I did put in 3 really small peppermint shrimp that I got from SWF and I'm pretty sure the CB ate them. Just be sure that the shrimp aren't too small if you're going to put them in with the CB. Don't mail order them from SWF because you don't know how small they'll be.

salty rick

I have a CBS now. I have had several over the years. I have not had any problems with them. I have had them with Skunk Cleaner Shrimp with no problems. I feed mine strips of dried seaweed and pieces of shrimp from the grocery store. It seems that, based on posts on this board, that CBS seem to be agressive toward Pepermint Shrimp. I personally have not tried keeping Peppermints. I haven't tried Blood Shrimp because they tend to be out of my price range.


I guess I just got lucky, I have a CBS and Peppermints too. My CBS is out in the day time and at night and has never been agressive to anything. I too have been looking at the blood shrimp, but agree they are expensive. I think everyone else covered what they eat very well!
My .02