What does it mean when a fish rubs one of its side on rock?


Staff member
Well, it means that there is some sort of irritation there. Is it a new fish? See any scratch there or parasites?


Mine does this on the rocks and on the sand...usually on the tip of their nose. What should I do Beth? He was getting a white layer of white on him and I brought him to the LFS and they medicated him and he's looking much better.
They also have been scratching on the sand so much (I think this is what's causing it) that the white on my percs is starting to get scraped a little.
The lady just said it was stress because it didn't have any visible white spots or anything. I think now I'm starting to see a more apparent white-area so I'm not really sure. Could this be Ich? Thanks Beth~!


mine does because it rubbed it againist the rock i think. I mean that's what it looks like to me. You know the rock ust cut it alittle when he did it one time. What do i do now?


I'm not really sure if it's a scratch...but since they're my first clownfishes...isn't their whites suppose to be solid? Not have orange areas appearing? It looks like paint that was chipped off a little--it's white and they have little white areas showing...after I saw them rubbing their sides on the sand I figured that's what was causing it but since I don't know any better, it could definitely just be natural.


Staff member
Are you certain it is not HLLE? HLLE can appear like a scratch in the beginning. Take a look at the Diseased Fish thread at the top of the forum and take a look at the fish there with HLLE.


Hi Beth,
Yes, I'm sure that isn't it. It just seems like that the "white" on their stripes...like a couple was scraped off like it was paint...just like chipped paint. The skin looks perfectly fine, I just thought that this white was suppose to be PURELY solid.


Staff member
rbaby, sorry, I was talking to Hiddenicon.
As for your fish, rbaby, can you post up a picture?


Sadly my boyfriend has my camera charger and my camera's out of battery so I can't post a pic. But now it seems that one of my fishes has developed some sort of light scratch on it. Behind its right front fin.
I also found one of my hermits practically in pieces. It's a scarlet hermit, one of the biggest of the bunch I have. Could there possibly be a punk hermit in disguise in my tank???
What do I do about this scratch on one of my fishies? I will post pics the second that I can charge the camera. Thanks again.


its not HLLE but i put some medicine in the tank and the scratch went away. But now the problem is ich on the blue tang. I have used medicine on him but what can a person do to prevent ich from starting:confused:


plz post pics i would love to help u out i think ur hermit is "molding" or something i remember reading it from somewhere i think its normal


I really doubt that my hermit was molting...I saw a big chunk of him dismantled...his head and his body. My hermits have molted before and it's got a white exoskeleton look to it--it never usually has meat attached to any part of it... :(


Staff member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
but what can a person do to prevent ich from starting:confused:

You must accept the fact that all fish must be QTed before they every go in to your tank. There is no other way to prevent ich, or other diseases from contaminating your system.


Could you just not use any of the water in the bag. Like after the fish gets use to the temp. could you put it in another bag before putting it in your tank?