What does it take to keep a lion?

I think they are the most amazing fish.
What would I need to keep one? and what precautions should I know about?
I know they are crustacean and small fish eaters and are hard to feed frozen food to.
The lionfish I would get would either be a fu man chu or the shortfin lionfish (dendrochirus brachypterus). I have read fu man chus are hard to keep alive.
Is my tank good enough for one?
It is 46 gallons been set up for three yrs I think. There is plenty of swimming space. There is about 40 lbs of lr and will be adding a little more to make it more stable. The rockwork topple everyonce in a while Tests are perfect everything is at what is should be, plenty of filtration, the fish in the tank inclue a watchman goby royal gramma PJ cardinal and a firefish.
Is it a good Idea to add a lion or should I wait for a separate tank for one.


Active Member
Lion's are great. I put a volitans in my 46 and he quickly started to outgrow it. He's going in our 125 next weekend. He's completely on frozen (shrimp, krill, squid, octupus, clam strips) Feed him every other day.
I think you would be find with one of the dwarf lions and your tank sounds plenty stable. From what I've read both here and in texts, lions don't need reef quality water. Just good water.
I'd be worried about your cardinal and goby though. They may become lion snacks as it grows.
Good luck and let us know what you decide.