Active Member
Originally posted by Hiddenicon
my cycle is done all my levels are where there supose to be and yes right now i have 5 fish in my tank, mean while i have seen alot of pods and brown aglea has formed
Your tank is not yet mature. The brown algae is diatoms. These form in new tanks. They form by several means.
[list type=decimal]
[*]High nutrient concentration- caused by not enough beneficial algae (corraline) being established- high silicates, phosphates, etc.
[*]Too little light- grows in dimmly lit tanks and tanks that don't use the correct spectrum of lighting (actinics, 10000k) 3-5 watts per gallon for coral/anemonies
Too little water flow- low oxygen levels, need more powerheads to break up the dead space
Using poorly filtered water- tapwater or well water
[/list type=decimal]
All of these are detrimental to anemone health. Before your tanks is mature, time needs to pass for the diatoms to go away as beneficial algae and plankton, etc. start to fill your tank. The good news is that the diatoms are actually good. They suck up all the excess nutrients in your tank while it is still new. Then as things start to grow, the diatoms die off and your water gets completely clear.