what does your cleaner shrimp clean?



so far I've only had luck with my yellow tangs,
hasn't touched my
niger, 2 percs,cherub angel,sixline wrasse,scooter blenny,green chromis
was wondering because my next purchase will have to be compatible with the cleaner I want him to clean something since my tang died.


Active Member
They tend to clean the fish that will swim up them and "hover" to be cleaned. After chasing fish that don't slow down they usually don't try anymore IME. The angel might start letting it at some point. I doubt the sixline will ever put up with it. Sixlines are cleaners themselves and sometime mine will try to clean a tang. pretty funny to watch, the tang sure won't put up with it.

nm reef

Active Member
My pair of cleaners have actively worked over my coral beauty/hippo tang/foxface lo/tomato clown....sometimes I believe its based on the needs of the fish...sort of like they know when a cleaner would help remove parasites...then they'll offer themselves up to the cleaners for a little maintenance. Great additions to a reef in my opinion.



I have one that won't even clean its self! LOL it is too lazy, has coraline growing on its whiskers. I think I will transfer it so it to my other tank so it can get cleaned by my other cleaner shrimp. :D


Mine cleaned my yellow tang before I took it out. Now they clean my strawberry baslett but only rarely. All my other fish don't even acknowledge they exist. Go figure.