what does your clown host


This is just a frag of the fragspawn this pair used for a few years. You can't see the eggs but when I took this picture they were spawning
Any tricks out there to make them host? Mine ore not hosting my BTA yet. But I been feeding the clowns less, And when I feed the BTA, I bring the krill slowly so the clowns get to peck at the krill and see were the krill is going. Lately they have been swiming close to the anemone... Any other tricks that might work out there?


Active Member
My false percs hosted in my blue carpet anenome. They loved it, but I had to return the anenome. It wasn't in terrific healthy when I got it, but it was almost 2 feet across when fully extended. At 30$, I decided to buy it and hope for the best. Anyway, after 6 months with no improvement (still wasn't "sticky") I decided to take it back (the same LFS actually gave me 50$ in store credit for it). So I basically made 20$ for keeping it in my tank for half a year. Now they host in my plate coral and frogspawn, which are right next to each other. I now have a 12+ inch sabae anenome and I'm still hoping they'll one day take to it. I certain have found no tricks in getting them to host in something. I'd be interested to find out if anyone has found a way.

melissa v.

My tomato clown will host star polyps and my green muShrooms, and even that da@# hair alge i can't seem to get rid of:D
Melissa V.


Active Member
I got the best one yet---I took out 2 fish and returned them to the LFS to make room and got another sebea to try a pair it up with the one I already had. Well, I left the net in the tank and when I got home I added the new sebae. Umm, guess where it has been for 3 days? The net!!! LOL. My older one is giving it heck, so I am going to set up a 10 gall. nano for it. It wont leave the net and the other wont go near it, so its safe for now.