What dry food?


I will be getting some fish in a couple of weeks...hopefully.
What kind of dry/freeze dried food does eyeryone like?
This will be a reef tank with a couple of clowns, six line wrass, some gobies, blennies and undecied. Will also have standard cleanup crew (hermits, shrimp, etc.)
Any Ideas?
72 bow, 95# LR, 120# LS. 260W PC.


Active Member
We feed frozen brine, flake occasionally and buy a bag of mixed frozen squid, shrimp, etc at Wal Mart for $3.00 and chop up a little very fine. It lasts forever (but don't keep the same bag that long) :)

randy 12

We feed freeze dried plankton by San Francisco Bay, Brine Shrimp Plus flakes by Ocean Nutrition and sometimes formula 1, 2, brine, krill. But mostly the plankton and flakes as the frozen foods have more water than anything in them.