What eats brown algae?


New Member
My sister has brown algae growing on her glass, and she says she can't get it off.
Someone suggested to removed the silicates, and apparently that didn't work. She also got ceriths, queen conchs, and turbo snails. But they rarely go on the glass.
She keeps up to date wither her water changes, and here levels are all normal. Also it's not in a highy lit area.


Well-Known Member
Does you sister sue RODI water to make her change water? Brown algae is usually really diatoms that grow well in the presence of silicates that come in the tap water. RODI eliminates that problem.


what are your phosphate levels? i would get a media bag and get some phosphate remover. what kind of filtration does she have? how big is her tank? are lights on timmers so they go on the same time every day and go off the same time every night? lights should be on at least 10 to14 hours a day.


Active Member
Just simple remedies, Less feeding, Mexican turbo snail, More water flow, Use only ro/di. water, follow these simple steps and you will be fine.