What eats this?


Active Member
What eats the little amphipods, and copepods on my glass? i now have an explosion of them, i think scooter blenny's and mandarins do.....anything else?


Active Member
everythign will eat them.
scooters and mandarins generally ONLY eat them.
a sixline will go after copepods that those two fish wont go after.


Active Member
nope, 6lines WILL though become terrirotial if placed in your tank too early. should really be the last fish added, AND the only wrasse in there.


Active Member
ok cool, i gotta occelaris, and purple firefish as of this weekend......thinking about a couple green chromis and then ill add the sixline?

coral keeper

Active Member
How long has your tank been set up and how many pounds of LR do you have and how many gallons is your tank? If its new thats normal that you have TONS of pods, the number will go down as your tank matures. When i set up my tank the only thing you can see is pods. But the numbers went down as my tank matured.


I've noticed pods occur in cycles. Sometimes I won't see any and then a couple days later there will be a ton. Just a natural cycle

coral keeper

Active Member
Mandarinfish need a matured tank and so do other fish that are only pod eating fish. So, if i were you i wouldnt get a only pod eating fish yet.


Active Member
Actually, emerald crabs do eat copepods. I would not add any particular fish or anything for an explosion of pods. Their numbers will level out on their own.


Originally Posted by oneradtek
ok cool, i gotta occelaris, and purple firefish as of this weekend......thinking about a couple green chromis and then ill add the sixline?
Avoid the green chromis. Damselfish by any color as still damselfish and they become quite aggresive.
As for the copepods/amphipods in your tanks, they will definitely level out in time and are doing no harm to anyone in your tank. You should be thrilled you have so much live food in the aquarium for your fish and invertebrates.


Active Member
i am and i want a mandarin BAD! but ill have to wait

any other good choices?
ill have 2 ocellaris tomorrow....

so what else wouild go good in a REEF tank 55 gallon in about another few weeks(3 month mark)?


Active Member
Originally Posted by seamandrew
Avoid the green chromis. Damselfish by any color as still damselfish and they become quite aggresive.
As for the copepods/amphipods in your tanks, they will definitely level out in time and are doing no harm to anyone in your tank. You should be thrilled you have so much live food in the aquarium for your fish and invertebrates.

And yes i am thrilled to have them, but now i wanna know what can make good use of those as food, so far my clown doesnt touch them! haha


I would recommend a royal dottyback or royal gramma. The fomer is a littler feister but will eat bristleworms if you ever get any. They look pretty much the same, but the Gramma is more beautiful. Dottybacks have lots of personality and the Royal Dottyback is one of the most odd fish of the dottyback family. I have one and he's great! Onlly picks on the stupid damsel I have that hasn't died and it's been 4 or 5 years now! One thing though, if you have a firefish, a dottyback may not be idea. Go for the gramma.
How is your live rock content? You should ensure you have live rock built up to about half the height of your tank to provide sufficient hiding places and refuge for all your new fish.
Yellow Clown Gobies are a tiny addition that will thrive in most aquariums. Just make sure you have branched live rock or some synthetic coral with large branches. They'll love it. I've read some dottybacks shouldn't be kept with gobies, but my royal dottyback, the most aggressive of the group doesn't bother my clown goby.