What eats...


I have a Sixline, a Coral Beauty, a Percula, and an Emerald Crab. I was looking for somesort of invert that eats Fireworms. The worms have completely destroyed all of my coral. I am going to the fish store today, so any responses would be great. Thanks.


Active Member
take a small mesh bag and put a piece of shrimp in it...leave it in the tank overnight and before the lights come in in the morning, remove it...you will have alot of them attached to the bag...


I bought a trap from my local store, and still nothing. I will try this coming up Sunday, because I am with my dad all weekend. Any other inverts I could try?


Active Member
i agree with alix - arrowhead crab. just an fyi - the bristle worms are detritovores, meaning if they are attacking your corals, they are already dead. unless, of course, you have the very rare ones, which in fact can eat corals. do you have any pics?


i had a bad infestation of fire worms once and bought a six line wrasse,it died, so i bought an arrow crab, it ate probably ate 30 of the worms and then dissaperad,then i put in some panty hose filled with computer paper and some fish food over night and it caught about 100. so id say unless you really want an arrow crab try first the panty hose trick.