What Eel Should I Get???


New Member
Well I dont feel him, Im affraid of getting bitten

I assume you meant feed, I have only given him krill so far, Im going to take a trip to the LFS and see what else I can get him to try. He is a very beautiful eel if a bit reclusive. Just thought you might like to know. However, maybe once he feels more secure he will venture out a bit more.


The fimbrated, I got is way cool he comes out being like 18 inches long swims around the whole tank. likes to slither around all the rock work. he ate the 2nd night I got him I big silver side but I tried to feed him last night he didnt want to eat is that normal?


Well i have a little snow flake its about 12" so far but he is a good eel i know he will grow a bout 2 1/2' but right now i just feed him krill but i am running out so i think that i am going to go to the store and just buy some small shrips and freez them but when i feed him i just make upp a little bit of ZOE in a cup and let the shrimp soke untill they arnt frozen he seems to like it but he dose like to go for the fish in the that if they get near his food.
O ya dose anyone elses eels get their food and then spin even if you know he can get it down? i mean i know that they do it to brake up the food but i was just wondering if i should feeed him some other feeder fish?


i wouldn't feed any eel feeder fish they aren't good for them i would try squid cut up or the frozen krill that is what i feed mine



Originally posted by kinkfish
The fimbrated, I got is way cool he comes out being like 18 inches long swims around the whole tank. likes to slither around all the rock work. he ate the 2nd night I got him I big silver side but I tried to feed him last night he didnt want to eat is that normal?

Don't know....Mine will eat anytime I drop food in. I feed him like every 3 days. Like I said before, by that time, he is ready to EAT. I'm going to take video of him eating and post on here. Where are the pics of yours?


New Member
Those fimbriated morays are cool eels! I hear they can be very aggessive though. I was thinking about getting a Mexican Dragon for my 75 gallon tank. Are they aggressive eels and how big do they get?


New Member
From the reading I have done on here, Mexican Dragon Morays aka Jeweled Moray grow to about 2' in captivity and are one of the more aggressive species.


by far i think that my snowflake eel is pritty
but as for my fave out of the ones you posted the Tesselata Eel is a very good and pritty eel. they are cute when they are small and as they get older they get a little mean looking but still very good but when they get to about 18" to 2' then they really look their best but thats my own thoughts.
Ooops this is Steel sorry i didnt chang the name lol


New Member
In the tank right now is a baby lion fish and a small stars and stripes puffer. Will the Mexican Dragon attack these fish?