
New Member
I recently purchased a used 125 that was a reef setup and it came with the VHO's and wavemakers, etc. I'm not really interested in a reef tank right now, but what effect would these extras have on an agressive setup? Would a wavemaker be inappropriate for catsharks and good for reefs? Not neccesarily in a 125 but does anyone have alternate sources of water movement in larger tanks.
And can lighting be too weak and/or too strong? Dont really have specific species in mind, mainly just wondering if certain water movements could be beneficial or detremental to the health of the animals.
Thanks Steve


First there is not any shark that will fit into a 125G and all the reef tank stuff lights wavemakers ect.... are fine for FOWLR use it all.


New Member
Thanks but I'm looking for a little more advanced answer, I know it's to a basic question, but please if you reply take into consideration i have read everything i can get my hands on about sharks including all of risc's post so i understand the parameters of keeping sharks in aquriums.
[/B]"Not Neccesarily in a 125 but does anyone have alternate sources of water movement in larger tanks."[/B]
I was just curious if different species have different reactions to water movements (i.e. swimmers vs bottom dwellers). Sorry if this post seem blunt I am so it is.
Thanks Again Steve.
you could put a cat shark or horn shark for a little while but than you would hav to get a bigger tank , i,am not going to say that i never did it but at one time a had a nurse shark in a 120 with a grouper and a eel for about a year but than gave him away to a petstore in jersey where in jersey are u i use to live in jersey city :D


New Member
North Jersey, Bergen County........I'm not sure how if I am reading this question differently than it is written but im not asking what sharks i can put in a 125, I don't care about my 125 i just got the extra equipment when I purchased the 125. I wanted to know what effects wave makers and expensive lighting has on the sharks. I have no intrest in any tank less than 5,000 gallons(My Next project) for black tips.


New Member
clowntrigger2k.......If the LFS that I'm thinking of (one in South Jersey)they still have your nurse in the pool in the front of the store.


New Member
hey njtrooper i was wondering if u would like to sell the vho lighting and if so whats the price i will pat shipping and stuff like that e-mail me at labslanding3@aol.com


Active Member
the lighting should be fine for fish as well as corals, infact if it is fine for corals then most fish are fine with that too, since many of these fish actually live around reefs and corals(all we are trying to do is immitate nature in our tanks, not cook things, so unless you are looknig at a deep water species,the lighting shoould be fine, but wiht vho's, i would provide either afan blwoing under tehm or at least suspend them because they do get warm and heat the water too
and as for the wave maker, i am quoting someone and believe i am quoting sammy to make it easier, but the ocean is constantly moveing and changing current too(tides), so how could the changing currents bother fish too, most everything would be better off or at least fine wiht a wavemaker, and sharks defintely(IMO)


New Member
Ill tell ya I thought about it because what I paid for the whole package will make you sick.....
125 all glass tank
Amiracle 300 wet/dry w/overflow
Oak Stand
VHO Lights
100lbs.Crushed Coral
4 powerhead & wavemaster
125 gallons of matured H2O
So you see if I were to sell it I might actually make money but I also know I'll probably wind up having to go out and buy new ones if I sell. To make a long story longer I am going to hang on to them for now but if i change my mind I'll let you know.


If you are going to set up the 125g as a Fish Only tank, there is no reason to use the VHO's. Unless you like give the electric company your money. They aren't cheap to run, in other words.
The wavemakers are basically used if you have corals as they like chaotic current. Won't bother your fish one way or the other.
njtrooper the store i gave it to was reef encounters they use to hav a store in paramus and somewhere else i can,t remember ,but the 125 for 500 is good almost as good as my 150 for 400 with a xtra 20 gallon and a ehiem 304 and a fulval i can,t spell ,lol but thats a good deal want are you planning to put in there? :D


I wouldn't sell the stuff either -but if you're doing just fish for now-they won't care if you use it or not (meaning the lighting or wavemaker) if in researching a particular fish you want you find he prefers lower light-just provide extra hiding spots or create caves with the lr so he can escape the bright lights.
Good Luck