What else can i feed my banded cat shark after age 1 1/2 month


New Member
My Banded Cat is doing very well thanks to you all with all your help. The live shrimp thing did the trick after about 4 weeks out of the egg. How ever its been almost 2 months and i'm wondering if i can get him on anything other than ghost shrimp. He has a healthy appetite. And i gotta say i enjoy cutting the lights off and letting only my room lights light the tank while he hunts. But if anyone knows any thing else he'll go after i'm all eyes. i'm thinking of trying some guppies and hope that they will get eaten before they croak. (he HATES DEAD FOOD!!!!) LOL


I would add a lot of ghost shrimp to the tank and turn the lights off. Then put krill, squid, clam or sliverslides on a feedng stick and slowly wave in infornt of his head he might take it. Vitimin enciching is also a good idea.


I always have fed my preditors fresh seafood form the grocery store. Shrimp, squid, scallups, etc. This is what I like to feed. I will also have on hand a bit of freeze dried krill and toss that in every once and a while. Scraps of fish flesh is good too....