My stocking list is as follows in a 90 gallon bowfront:
1 niger trigger
1 porc puffer
1 snowflake eel
1 purple dottyback
1 yellow tang
1 clownfish
it has been established in a new location for about 3months. I am currently adding live rock, (have only 30 in now..) will be up to 200 lbs in couple weeks. Everyone is healthy and water conditions are great.
question is, I think I'm done with fish, (MAYBE thinking of getting ONEmore and that's it..any opinions on what would be good??) but what about anenomes? Are they ok with aggressives? I just wanted to have one for my clown. Can I put a clean up crew in there, or is it not necessary with these fish?
thanks for your info!
1 niger trigger
1 porc puffer
1 snowflake eel
1 purple dottyback
1 yellow tang
1 clownfish
it has been established in a new location for about 3months. I am currently adding live rock, (have only 30 in now..) will be up to 200 lbs in couple weeks. Everyone is healthy and water conditions are great.
question is, I think I'm done with fish, (MAYBE thinking of getting ONEmore and that's it..any opinions on what would be good??) but what about anenomes? Are they ok with aggressives? I just wanted to have one for my clown. Can I put a clean up crew in there, or is it not necessary with these fish?
thanks for your info!