What else can I put in my 90 gallon??


My stocking list is as follows in a 90 gallon bowfront:
1 niger trigger
1 porc puffer
1 snowflake eel
1 purple dottyback
1 yellow tang
1 clownfish
it has been established in a new location for about 3months. I am currently adding live rock, (have only 30 in now..) will be up to 200 lbs in couple weeks. Everyone is healthy and water conditions are great.
question is, I think I'm done with fish, (MAYBE thinking of getting ONEmore and that's it..any opinions on what would be good??) but what about anenomes? Are they ok with aggressives? I just wanted to have one for my clown. Can I put a clean up crew in there, or is it not necessary with these fish?
thanks for your info!


I believe with the eel and puffer you'd have to restock your clean up crew about every day.


Active Member
Yea basically your agressives will eat all ur crew in a coupla days....
But fish wise....i'd suggest a nice angelfish as an addition or wrasse.


Thanks! I'll keep the angelfish in mind when I go back to the fish store. What about anenomies? Can I keep them in there with aggressives?


Active Member
Your tank is wayyyy over stocked and you’d have a very hard time maintaining the high water quality an anemone would need to survive. I’d suggest returning some fish instead of adding….


thanks for your input, but you are the first person to ever say it's overstocked. all the fish meet all the requirements as far as gallons, they have plenty of room, and their compatibility is great. My water quality is perfect, and I don't really have any problems with it.
Ok, probably won't get any anenomies if I have to get different lighting, me getting broke! so i'll just stick with my fish and maybe get an angel.


Yeah, by whom will they be eaten??? I had this tank in a previous location set up with the exact same breeds of fish, full grown, for almost 2 years...never a problem.
You can't say it will definetely happen, because the same stuff doesn't happen for every breed of fish all the time. It's an aggresive tank, and all my fish are on the aggressive side, though not with eachother! i base my tank on the facts, then experience. In my experience in past 3 years, I have not had one fish death, and the worst of my water problems was a minor amm fluctuation, which was fixed in a couple days.
if you're going to say something to me, try to support your statement with something that might make me believe you. I made this thread to only ask a question about an anenome and a fish.....not about what fish are "supposedly" going to die. Even if they've been doing wonderfully under my watch for some time.
Anywho, I've received all I've wanted to know by the people that actually answered my question, thanks guys!


Active Member
Demi7996 said:
Yeah, by whom will they be eaten??? I had this tank in a previous location set up with the exact same breeds of fish, full grown, for almost 2 years...never a problem.
You can't say it will definetely happen, because the same stuff doesn't happen for every breed of fish all the time. It's an aggresive tank, and all my fish are on the aggressive side, though not with eachother! i base my tank on the facts, then experience. In my experience in past 3 years, I have not had one fish death, and the worst of my water problems was a minor amm fluctuation, which was fixed in a couple days.
if you're going to say something to me, try to support your statement with something that might make me believe you. I made this thread to only ask a question about an anenome and a fish.....not about what fish are "supposedly" going to die. Even if they've been doing wonderfully under my watch for some time.
Anywho, I've received all I've wanted to know by the people that actually answered my question, thanks guys![/QUOTE
Here are some facts for you. Your Niger Trigger can get up to 1’, Snowflake Eel can get up to 2’, Porc Puffer can get up to 1’6” and the Yellow Tang can get upwards of 8”. That’s 5ft (60 inches) of fish in a 90gallon (once full grown) and I believe that they are all very messy eaters (with the exception of the Tang). I think your tank is overcrowded (when I buy a fish I take into consideration the size it will be once fully grown and what its tank mates are and from there I make a judgment on whether or not I can meet its needs and whether or not my take is overstocked and IMO, your tank is overstocked).