what else could i put in my tank fish wise


Just wondering what else I can have in my tank fish wise. I have 2 false percs. and a six line wrasse. What else can I have? The tank is a 29 gallon reef tank, and Im just looking for some ideas, What I would like to get is a lawn mower blenny or something to that magnitude. What else if anything can I get? The tank has 40 pounds of live sand and 55 pounds of live rock. Any ideas?


You can really load up on invertebrates. They create a lot less waste than fish. Shrimp are great. How about a pistol shrimp with a hi fin goby. They create a relationship with each other. Pretty neat stuff.


I'd do the shrimp / goby thing. I've never seen it in person before, it sounds pretty neat. If not, I'd probably get another small goby.


Sweet I think I might do that I was looking at gobbies/pistol shrimp relationships and it sounds awsome. hope tha tI can do this, ummmm, This sounds awsome, are there anymore Ideas that you all can think about?


Active Member
Hi Pondy!! Those fish suggestions above are what I would say to add.....I love LMB's but had a bad experience with one, just do some reading....some (not all) will not eat anything but algae off live rock and will eventually starve to death in a tank that size. If you can purchase one at LFS you could probably ask to see it eat flake and/or take it back if after a couple of weeks it wasn't eating prepared foods but that ivolves catching it first.
IMO gobies rock! I have three of them paired with 2 pistol shrimp in my tanks. They are so fun to watch but do make a mess of the tank.
I would love to see some pics of your set-up, sounds like you are building a gorgeous tank. :joy:


Active Member
PS- have you considered any other type of blenny? Bi-colors can be quite the characters. If you stayed with a small goby you could probably get away with adding both a bi-color and a goby/shrimp pair to your tank. :thinking:


We have a bicolor blenny in our 29 gallon and he is fun to watch. Here's a kind of blurry picture of his head in a barncle.


Active Member
think carefully on your choice cause it might be all the fish for your bioload. i have probably fifty non coral things in my 29 gallon tank but only two of them are fish


Thanks for your suggestions, Im very excited about all of this. I cannot wait to get a bi-color and goby/shrimp pair. That gets me so pumped because I didnt think that I would be able to get many for fish. I thought at the most I would be able to get one,and you all would sugget not to get anymore then that. Im for sure going to get a goby/shrimp pair. what would you suggest? Thanks for all the suggestions. It really gets me excited. Thanks, I will try to get some pics. of my tank. I just have a crummy camera. Hopefully soon.


I'd say get a Bicolor Blenny. I used to have one in a 29g and he was always out and about. Great fish. A Firefish is also a nice idea and they stay small, but they are also quite shy and you may not see a lot of it.


Hey man what else did you have in your 29 gallon. Email me so we can talk about trading corals also. Anyways I think that is what Im going to do. A Bi-color and a gobi/shrimp pair. Thanks all


Active Member
Good choice Pondy!! My suggestion would be to stay with a smaller high fin type goby (like a Barbershop/Red banded or Yasha Hashe) or maybe a yellow watchman . I think Randall's may stay smaller too..... Some gobies can get quite large (4+ inches) and may push your bioload a bit as a 5th fish. So excited for you to get the goby/shrimp pair and bi-color. You will be adding so much activity and personality to your tank.

I will try and post a pic of one of my smaller gobies.....not the best picture Pondy, sorry!


Active Member
I woould link this if I knew how....
Search for "Post your Goby/Shrimp Duo" and a good thread full of photos of different gobies and their shrimp buddies will come up.


Hey when I finally get everything rolling and get a decent camera I will put some pics. on here. Thank you all for your help. Im so excited and it gives me a ton of fire to do more with my tank and something to look forward to. Thanks. Pondy


I had two Clowns, a Sixline, and a Bicolor Blenny. I added a Coral Beauty when I was getting ready for the upgrade. She was the only one to survive the move, alas.