What else to add?


Ok so i have got a Perc Clown and a Yellow tang in my tank now. Wid the cleaner crew some corals and 2 pep shrimp and a cleaner. what fish to add next?? suggestions?


unfortuneatly NOTHING the tang really shouldnt be in there at all They need lots of swimming room that a 20 cant possible accomadate this fish with. I would take the YT back to the LFS and start with some more suitable fish in the tank..


Well Mike the guy who runs my LFS is a genius! all he does is Saltwater fish and he has full confidence in the yellow tang. you should see the size tanks he keeps his tangs and triggers in. smaller than my 20 and sometimes they stay there for months.


thats a pet store though They dont house the fish in there for life-, like you will be in your tank.
Have you seen a full sized yellow tang?? They get large and swim alot with out the swimming room it has the risk of developeing life threatening illness' like HLLE and hole in the head disease along with being stressed and opening up the tang for ich infestations.
U yeah something to remember when dealing with LFS owners unfortuneatly is that they are out for the bottom line MONEY we as a group are not asking you to buy anything and do not benifit from telling you a fish will work in a tank it clearly will not long term..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dragonfish
Well Mike the guy who runs my LFS is a genius! all he does is Saltwater fish and he has full confidence in the yellow tang. you should see the size tanks he keeps his tangs and triggers in. smaller than my 20 and sometimes they stay there for months.
Dragonfish is probably Mike...


Active Member
This discussion is going nowhere very fast.
You are not going to find anyone who tells you that having a yellow tang in a 20 gallon tank is a good idea.
There are many fish that would do wonderfully in a 20 gallon aquarium. Unfortunately, a yellow tang is not one of them.
Please check out clownfish, damsels, pseudos, firefish, gobies, some blennies, perhaps a small hawkfish, and other small fish that do not need a very large aquarium or who do not need a ton of swimming space.