What equipment 75g??


New Member
I am a newbie.... trying to figure out all this stuff and buy my equipment on a budget piece by piece....
What skimmer would you recommend for a 75g reef?
Lighting suggestions?
Sump/ other filtration?
Any good sources for used or discounted equipment would be appreciated as well.... THANKS

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Juggernaut72
I am a newbie.... trying to figure out all this stuff and buy my equipment on a budget piece by piece....
What skimmer would you recommend for a 75g reef?
MSX160 is a great skimmer and not to pricey
Lighting suggestions?
What do you plan on keeping
Sump/ other filtration?
Lots of LR and a quality skimmer is all you will need a refugium/sump is a plus
I would try and stay away from powerheads , if you can afford it go with a closed loop system.If not Modded Maxijets or Koralia
Any good sources for used or discounted equipment would be appreciated as well.... THANKS

Keep an eye out here for people selling:http://www.saltwaterauctions.com/
or you could try craiglist for used
Thats just my recomendation


New Member
Where can I find information on setting up a closed loop system? I am confused.
I want to setup a reef... not sure which corals but would like equipment capable of anything i want to try...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Juggernaut72 http:///forum/post/2835934
Where can I find information on setting up a closed loop system? I am confused.
I want to setup a reef... not sure which corals but would like equipment capable of anything i want to try...
Here is a link to my 125 build and info on my closed loop.https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/319838/125-reef-tank-build
As far as lighting,I would look into T5 or metal halide.I prefer Metal halide myself but everyone has there own opinion on this. With Metal Halides there is no question as to what you will be able to keep,anything and everything you want.