What exactly are these?


New Member
i also have those all over some of my live rock. it looks like little flowers that slowly come out and then they disappear into the rock in an instant.


out to play^



New Member
i had a few of those in my tank and my neighbor (a huge saltwater nerd) told me that I needed to get rid of them immediatley before they spread like weeds. To do this i took a saringe and filled it with boiling water. I then stuck the saringe in the center shootng the boiling water into the polyp. It took a few tries but he finally dissapeared


Active Member
Originally Posted by gli0sca
i also have those all over some of my live rock. it looks like little flowers that slowly come out and then they disappear into the rock in an instant.


out to play^

The first two are feather dusters, not sure if the thrid picture is the same. Hard to see