what exactly is diatom, algae?


Active Member
So JD yours lasted over a week and then just dissapeared? Were you doing frequent water changes during this period?


Mine lasted about 2 weeks, and went away right after a large water change. Over night it went from covering my tank, to not being there at all


Active Member
my levels are
spec. grav.-1.023
u see, it seemed as if my tank wasnt cycling for a week after i added 15 lbs of live rock, i thought it was taking way to long, tests showed nothing. feed my tank with frozen brine, flakes, and a cocktail shrimp, didnt check my water fo two weeks. added about 5lbs more of live rock since my tank started (21 days later) to the initial 15 lbs did a test when i put it in the tank, and ammonia was low, nitrite was low, and didnt check my nitrate. the next day tested the water, and those are the results above, and still are about 25 days after i set the tank up.


The rock you're putting in, is it cured or uncured? If its cured, you may not see a spike, but you are feeding the tank, which should kickstart the cycle but it hasn't, which is odd. But you have the diatoms which is part of the cycle. Do you have any sand in the tank? If so, does it have any diatoms on it. I just put in some turbo/astrea snails this weekend, and they've been on my rock and glass cleaning it off. My tank has been going for a little over 3 weeks, but I saw the ammonia and nitrite spikes. Pretty odd that you're not though.


Active Member
Teen I would say that you may have missed your spikes - which were probably low to begin with. Your levels are good, and you have diatoms so that would be my guess. Like the last post'er said- if it was cured live rock that wouldn't cause too much of an increase, and maybe with the live rock functioning as a filter in the tank your feeding didn't send things through the roof either. Have you added any hermits? (Sorry if you posted that info already)
JD- You give me hope!!! I have been doing small (10%) water changes, but maybe I will do a larger one this weekend. It must have been wonderful to wake up to a diatom free tank that morning! :cheer:


I didn't notice it a first. Finaly I went to clean my glass... umm brown craps all gone. haha, It dind't put my in a good mood though... My clarkii got ick that same day, so I have my fish in a QT now, trying to rid them of the ick.


Active Member
How is it going? What are you using?
(I am treating my beta with Rid-Ich, she got ich after I switched her into a new tank, it seems to be working.)