what film speed gets the best pics?


Hi, just wondering what you guys are using to get your best pictures? I usually use 400 speed & I'm not getting any good ones...also tried 800 recently, getting them developed right now...we'll see! ;) Do I need to invest in a digital just to get a good pic of my fish? :D :D ( that would be a good excuse )


Incrasing the speed of your film to 1000 will help, but getting a digital will help you post your pictures. That will be beneficial for a variety of reasons, the best of which is showing off :D


I have a nice 35mm and i use 400 speed, take the pictures at night with a tripod. I dont use a flash, and use a fairly fast shutter speed. Pics turn out great.


Another good method is to use a video camera and a TV Tuner/Video Capture card.

This pic was taken with a Sharp View Cam and the still was grabbed with a Win-TV card. One of the best advantages with video is you are shooting 30 pictures a second so the fish can move around and you still get good pics and the CCD imagers can take pictures in dim light.


That's all great advice, thanks guys! I think it's time to go digital... :p Anyone have a nice one to recommend? :D :D