What filter/protein skimmer/powerhead should I get for 29 gallon tank?


New Member
I purchaed an aquarium 5 weeks ago, and after reading some materials, have realized that I have done this tank backwards. I put in about twenty lbs. of live sand, three fake ornaments, and 7 damsils. I purchased the tank used, and it came with Tetra 20 hanging filter which I use. Within 1 week, two fish died, and now one isn't eating much at all and another is very pale and its fins on the top are almost all gone.
I now have learned that I need live rock, but I don't know what else I really need to make this tank work and cycle correctly. Do I need powerheads, protein skimmers, and a different filter??? Also, how much live rock should I get and how do I effectively do a water change using tap water???
Thanks for any help you can give me, as the books seem to be pretty general and not as easy to clearly understand what I need to keep a healthy tank.


Active Member

Originally Posted by luv4jc123
I purchaed an aquarium 5 weeks ago, and after reading some materials, have realized that I have done this tank backwards. I put in about twenty lbs. of live sand, three fake ornaments, and 7 damsils. I purchased the tank used, and it came with Tetra 20 hanging filter which I use. Within 1 week, two fish died, and now one isn't eating much at all and another is very pale and its fins on the top are almost all gone.
I now have learned that I need live rock, but I don't know what else I really need to make this tank work and cycle correctly. Do I need powerheads, protein skimmers, and a different filter??? Also, how much live rock should I get and how do I effectively do a water change using tap water???
Thanks for any help you can give me, as the books seem to be pretty general and not as easy to clearly understand what I need to keep a healthy tank.
Hi & welcome to the boards
30 to 45 lbs of LR, emperor 400 HOB filter, aqua c remora protein skimmer, 2 maxi jet 900's powerheads. That's what I have in my 29. I'm sure you will hear from others.
Good Luck, Steve


First off i would take the fake ornaments out and replace with 30-40 pounds of live rock. 1-2 pounds per gallon is recommended. I would get rid of you filter and either look into a sump system, or get a better Hang on back filter.
(One rated for a 50 gallon tank or larger.) You don't have to have a protein skimmer but i would highly recommend one. If you decide to go hang on back there are protein skimmers that can hang on back, if you decide to go with a sump, there are protein skimmers that will work with that setup too. I would go with either maxi-jets or koralia powerheads. You could go with 2 powerheads. You should not use tap water. I would look into a RO/DI unit. (water purifaction system.) People will disagree with cycling with damsels, because it stresses the fish and burns their gills. I would suggest taking back the damsels, and start cycling with Live rock. In a 29 gallon you should do a bout 4 fish.
Do you plan to do a reef tank or a fish only?


New Member
I want to do a full out reef tank, really with just a few fish...the store I went too is horrible at assisstance because I let them know I was a beginner and they just gave me whateve...their response to me asking them what to do if all of my fish died was to start over. Of COURSE! after they sold me the salt and sand, why not huh?!? Yeah, I'm probably going to return the fish and start off with live rock. Thanks for the responses, and I am def. going to take out the ornaments(they were put in before I had any knowledge of this hobby really). I'm the type that when I do something like this, I want to do it the best that I can do it...on that note, I'm guessing that I use the live rock to cycle the tank, right?


New Member
also, with the filter that I'm currently using, I was thinking I could just keep that and use it with a 10 gallon quarantine tank I plan to get...Ok to do, right?