What first fish or corals

zack schwartz

Active Member
I have a 65 and 50lbs of lr and one pink damles. I want to know if I need to get another fish or if I can put corals in first. I plan on putting in a leather or colt.


ya tell us how long the tanks been set up. what are your water parameters? if its a brand new tank that finished cycling i wouldnt add any corals quite yet and wait till the tank ages a bit. for a 2nd fish a clown or 2 would be a great addition


Active Member
I would recomend starting with a softie first, one that does not require alot of light. A colt coral sounds good or maybe some xenias. That and poylps. You can have just about any poylp.
What is your lighting.


Pred man, I agree about softies but Xenias are pretty delicate and require near perfect conditions. IMO, I wouldn't start with them anyway.
Anyway, I am happy to see this thread. This exact question has been bugging me for weeks. Many a moon ago when I worked at an lfs, I *swear* we would start with some hardy corals sometimes after the water had stablized. But my memory is foggy and I haven't been able to confirm it yet.
I am interested to hear what others have to say. I hope to add what I find out from my old boss, hopefully soon.


Active Member
I have to resrectively disagree with you. I have seen and heard of xenias growing better in slighty "dirty" water. By that I mean, water high in nutrients and dissolved organics. I will find the web site were a guy who grows xenia to sell to wholesellers describes his set up and parameters and post it if I can. I know his nitrates are around 40ppm and he runs no skimmer and feeds tank heavily with home grown plankton. It looks kinda dingy to me but it grows like weeds and I mean that literaly..
i think they are an excellent coral for the beginner but can quickly take over causing you to prune it. Just ask Rendos!
It may depend on the species of the xenia. A colt coral does sound good to start out with but certain polyps I really wouldn't. Mushroom polyps especially don't do well if there is no iodine in the tank.


hey wamp,
That's cool. Mine managed to 'hold on,' but they never spread that much. Out of the corals I had, they were one of the few did not grow a lot. And I did witness a couple die offs in other tanks, which drew me to my conclusion. It makes me kinda laugh to hear that maybe if my water was 'dirtier' they would have done better. Heh. Live and learn. I eat my words.