what fish are eating my shrimp???


New Member
i had four cleaner shrimp, two fire shrimp and one coral banded shrimp. i am down to two cleaner shrimp. i have a blue hippo tang, clarki clown, coral beauty, and a six line wrass. in case no one thinks it is my fish that are eating them i have two bubble tipped anemonies and a long tentacle anemone. the only other possiblity would be emerald crabs. what is eating my shrimp? thanks.


New Member
o.k., so pretty much any of my fish could have eaten them. the two remaining cleaner shrimp have stayed strong for four months, so they must have learned how to fend for themselves. thanks for your input.


New Member
as far as the coral banded shrimp goes....he was the last thing i added to my tank. he only lasted two days. the other shrimp had already been eaten before he was added. i wouldn't normally have added him without figuring out what was eating my shrimp, but he was free.