what fish can I add?


hey all. I havent gotten a fish in awhile and I wanted to get some kind, and wanted all o fyour suggestions. I have a 25 gallon tank with 1 gold striped maroon clownfish, 20 lbs of liverock, hermit crabs, and snails. What would be a good fish to get? I am open to any ideas, can anyone help?


How about a royal gramma? Stunning colors, great personality--heck I had one in with my seahorses for almost a year before it got ich and died!


That might be a good idea. With a royal gramma and a goldstriped maroon clown would there be anything else I could add?


The Maroon Clown is the most aggressive of all the clowns and very territorial. It would be safest to add a peaceful fish that is very different in body shape and occupies a different level of the tank, like a Gobie of some kind. Why dont you get one of the shirmp gobies and a pistol shrimp? That would be an interesting and safe addition as long as you have a few inches of sand in the bottom.


I was told by a marine biologist that a safe peaceful assortment of fish would be firefish, some Chromis ( like Bluereef Chromis, Green Chromis), pretty much anything peaceful but small in size for your tank. JMO and suggestion. Something worth looking into. :happyfish


Active Member
yeah .. now that I think about it your tank might be a little too small for the flame angel .. but I say 100% for putting a cherub pygmy in there .. just don't put any clams in after you put the angel in .. the angel would bite at the clam


yeah I thought it was too small too. here is a list of what I am thinking of. Can you all tell me which ones I can get? or if I could put a couple of these fish in:
bicolor pseudochromis
green clown goby
pink spotted watchman goby
yellow watchman goby
six line wrasse
catalina goby
yellow clown goby
royal gramma
cherub pygmy


Active Member
ok .. here's what I'll do .. I'll tell you what I think the minimum tank size for these fish are and you can make the decision on whether you want to put them in or not:
Bicolor qseudochromis: 20 gallons .. will fit
Firefish: 20 gallons .. will fit
Pink Spotted Watchman Goby: 30 gallons .. might fit but don't put it in with the yellow watchman goby
Yellow Watchman Goby: 20 gallons .. will fit but don't put it in with the Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
Six Line Wrasse: 20 gallons .. will fit
Catalina Goby: ???
Yellow Clown Goby: 20 gallons .. will fit
Royal Gramma: 20 gallons .. will fit
Cherub Pygmy: 20 gallons .. will fit
ok there you go .. but keep in mind .. not all these fish will fit in together .. I would narrow it down a lot ..


wow ok thanks. yeah wasnt planning on getting all these fish haha. What about 2 of these fish? one of the watchman gobies, and maybe a firefish?


Active Member
sounds great ... but I would go for the traditional firefish rather than the purple firefish just becuase the purple is much more aggressive and may be mean to your watchman .. and let me be the first to warn you .. if you don't give the firefish an extremely varied diet .. it will lose color rather quickly


Would it be ok if I got 1 firefish, 1 yellow watchman goby, and a cherub pygmy? Or would that be too much? Out of all the fish in this list, what is the most I can get?