what fish can i get that will make my tank look really cool!!

hawk fish

i have a
yellow tang
neon goby
2 clowns
manderain dragonette
hawk fish
sry about any spelling erors
i would like something that is any eye shocker when you look at my tank
:notsure: :notsure: what would that fish be?
by the way got a 90 gallon reef


They might not be big and flashy enough for your taste, but I like the way the barbershop gobies look, and you can pair them with a pistol shrimp... I'm a sucker for a good looking goby :joy:


Active Member
I would recommend a blue tang, but i dont know if anyone else would. Also, a foxface would be really neat.


Active Member
yeah id say a bicolor angel or try like a flameback, or a coral beauty angel....or you could spend a little more money and get a red foxface, cant remember the exact name but i always want one.. i have a foxface lo the yellow one with a black spot....