what fish for a 29


i want 2 gs maroon clowns, im pretty sure thats all i can fit, any one have any suggestions


well not to discourage you, but maybe consider a smaller fish. If you put perculas instead you could expand into other fish such as basslets, gobies, or even chromis.
I have:
1 royal gramma
1 YT Black Chromis
1 YT Blue Damsel
2 Blue Damsels
1 Green Chromis
I am very happy with my tank, but i am trying to remove the damsels to put in firefish (much nicer)


thanks, BUT im not a big fan of damsels :D i might just get the pair of gs maroon clowns and let them rule the tank


In my 30g I have
2 maroon clowns
1 lawnmower blenny
1 longnose hawfish
they are living fine with each other and I like that the fish all swim on dfferent levels of the tank, well the hawk just sits on a rock in the middle, but thats ok


trust me i agree with you on the damsels.... only thing is right now they are young and i dont want to ruin their lives (i believe a fish has the right to live until he causes others havoc)


Active Member

Originally posted by Bot587
trust me i agree with you on the damsels.... only thing is right now they are young and i dont want to ruin their lives (i believe a fish has the right to live until he causes others havoc)

So every crime would have the consequence of the death penalty?


Active Member
IME that isn't entirely true for all species of clowns. The less aggressive clowns (such as percs or ocellaris) will cower and hide away from intruders heading for the anemone.


my 29 reef is just gettin going, so far its got a potter's angel, which i'm real nervous about keeping, even though i've had great luck with pygmy angels in reefs. I think a cleaner wrasse could be next, and a perc to finish it off. But i guess it depends on what catches my eye at the LFS


ahh, ok, i was thinking getting a pair of clowns i dont want anything like nemo i want something different, maybe a goby of some sort