I have 3 green chromis and a pair of false perculas in my 55g corner, along with a couple of feather dusters. I was wondering what other "beginner" level fish I could keep in my tank.
Any suggestions?
Why not some sort of goby or blenny? They are hardy little fish with lots of personality! You can't go wrong with a lawnmower blenny or a bicolor blenny!
I agree...A lawn mower (algae) blenny is a great addition and they actually do help by eating the algae. They have tremendous personalities. Probably my family's favorite fish.
If you do not have much algae they will usually eat the algae sheets you can
hang on a suction clip.
Good fish for a 55g:
-Coral beauty
-lemonepeel angelfish
-blackback butterflyfish
-flame angel
-royal gramma
-sixline wrasse
-lawnmower blenny (better in established tanks because they require a lot of algea)