What fish in my new 20?



Ok im a newbie when it comes to saltwater aquariums. I just setup my first one 4 days ago. I have 20lbs of live rock, 4"dsb 2 power heads and a prizm skimmer. After the cycle what type of fish can i put in here? I know that i cannot put to many in because of size but does anyone have any suggestions? I would like the most colorful ones i can get. And also things that move in and out of the caves in the rock would be cool to.


Active Member
Clowns are always great in smaller tanks. Maybe a blenny; but if you are looking for color, I would suggest a Royal Gramma; they spend the whole day darting in and out of rocks. A few small inverts might go well in your set up. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
I know that i cannot put to many in because of size but does anyone have any suggestions?
It's a good thing for you to be thinking like this with having a smaller tank. Just keep the "one inch per every five gallons" rule in mind, and you will do fine. Also take into consideration how the fish will affect the bioload. According to the rule, you could have one 4" fish, but that fish would probably affect the bioload more than four 1" fish.


Neon dottybacks are great fish to have in small aquariums. They are small and have a good personality. I have an orchid dottyback and a neon in my 30 gal and are both great fish very colorful. HTH


As long as dottybacks are alone, they're fine. But they're mean SOB's.
The smaller wrasses are really colorful (fairy wrasses and flasher wrasses) bright rainbow fish!
Tobies are very colorful and interesting (as long as you don't want snails)
Some hawkfish are small enough (They're about as mean as dottybacks, but they're a different looking fish)
Jawfish are awesome...but you don't typically see them as much as you would other fish.
Longfin and fathead anthiases are very brightly colored, but they're not as durable as the wrasses
Frogfish are strangely pretty...
Some eels are suitable for 20 gallons (chestnut moray, ghost ribbon eels...some other ones that I can't think of...)


Active Member
For color I would go with a flame or coral beauty. Unfortunately I wouldn't recommend putting them in a new established tank. Need to wait 4-6 months.
So instead I would agree that a royal gramma w/b a good choice. A royal along with a flame hawk or perc. clown w/b good choices and colorful.


had 2 false perc's and a sleeper goby in my 20gl. they were colorfull and very active I would watch them for hours.
just my experience


If you decide on any of the more flamboyant fairy or flasher wrasse species remember that they are shy and often skittish fish, and since your a beginner I would suggest that you stick to a royal or maybe even a black cap gramma and a pair of percula clowns, and you could even add maybe a green chromis or 2 and 2 or 3 clown gobies, Good luck and ask before you buy!