what fish is suitable fo a twenty gallon tank


New Member
I have a twenty gallon tank. I want to put in two percula clowns. (maybe an aniname later) and some other medium size colorful fish any suggestions.


Amy small damesels (yellow tail ones are great.) perculra clownfish (spelling) basically anything thats small and stays small. stay away from mandrian goby's they will die very quickly in that size tank. NO TANGS!!!!!! I would just stick with the damsels. hope i helped a little.:jumping:


I have 15 lbs of live rock, 2 peppermint shrimp, 2 percs, 2 blue leg hermits, a pink tip anemone, 3 ricordea polyps and 2 small mushrooms all confined within a 10 gallon tank. My water is in great shape and every one of my inhabitants are very happy and enjoy one anothers company. I will give an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10 for the quality of livestock available on SWF.com as I got all of my fish from there and setup my tank with almost no cycleing as I didn't know much until after I had everything setup. I used CC though now I know that LS is better, But I have an emperor 330 plus undergravel filter which Is way sufficient for my small tank and everything has been fine now for about 7 months. So I think the amount of livestock really just depends on how much filtration you have In tank and also remember your partial water changes. And like I said the specimens from SWF.com were all very small but very hearty and I will continue to buy all my stuff from them.


I had a 20 gallon for awhile and had, in addition to many corals, a little percula clownfish and a damsel. I didn't like the damsel and eventually found a new home for him (too aggressive), but the percula did great. I wouldn't recommend much more than like 2 really small fish, especially if you're going to do a reef system. It's easier to have fluctuations in water quality and the corals show the fluctuations quickly. I had really good luck with leather corals, button polyps, mushrooms, and a smaller anemone. All of my snails (turbo) and hermit crabs helped with the algae control. With a small tank I recommend that you have PATIENCE and start slow. Don't fill the tank up with stuff quickly.