What fish is this??!?!!?!?!


Royal Dottyback--very pretty fish, but meanest fish in my tank. I hate him. He killed a Harlequin Tusk! He ate all of my shrimp and constantly chases all of my fish around the tank. I would like to catch him and trade him in. Maybe mine just has an attitude problem.

A Royal Gamma looks very similar, but I hear it doesn't have the attitude problem. I haven't had one myself, so I have no experience.
By the way, I don't mind that you didn't research first. It's usually easier just to ask, and that is what we are here for. I thought that was the purpose of the forum.?


95Harley, thank you very much but we did do research first, including a google search which is where we found the picture. FYI We didn't think it was the Royal Dottyback because in the saltwaterfish.com pic, it has a purple head instead of bright pink, like in the google picture, and when we saw one at the store (where the owner seems to have given us the scientific name instead of something like Royal Dottyback, leading me to believe it was different). But we did see that link on saltwaterfish.com. Thinking along the lines that a difference even as simple as this can indicate it's a different fish altogether, I thought I'd ask everyone just to make sure.
So, I'm assuming Royal Dottybacks come in purple and pink, or does someone else want to make me feel stupid for that question also...??
Thanks nina&noah... owner at the fish store said they can be pretty aggressive but should be OK with other larger fish... just none of their own species. I'll keep your experience in mind, and I appreciate you stickin up for me and just answering my question.


Active Member
I'd go with a royal gramma if you want to have a reef. I personnal think they a prettier.JMHO.

Take a look and see what you think.