What Fish Next?

I currently have a 55 gallon FOWLR tank. It has a yellow tang, two false clowns, and the clean up crew. I was wondering what would be another good addition to the tank with the current bioload. I am wanting to get another tang if possible. Input appreciated!


The tank is too small for tangs. Clown gobies are cute, you could probably get a dwarf angel, flasher wrasse, pseudochromis, firefish....
tank has been up for about three to four months. I was told that maybe a flame angel would do well. I also heard that they are not very friendly to new fish.
If i was going to get a tang, which one would be best? Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr.312152514
tank has been up for about three to four months. I was told that maybe a flame angel would do well. I also heard that they are not very friendly to new fish.
If i was going to get a tang, which one would be best? Thanks!
You must not have read the previous posts. Your tank is very questionable for 1 small tang.... definitely too small for 2 tangs. A dwarf angel would look nice.

small triggers

Active Member
flame angel probably will, but so will your current tang. Anytime you do a new addition, it would be a good idea to re-aquascape,, this usually resets the territoties the fish have set for them.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr.312152514
alright so the tang is out of the question. now, if i put, lets say a flame angel in, will it attack future fish?
Id take the current tang back to your store. Get Credit and buy another fish. I would get a Goby. Pink spotted shrimp goby get a decent size.
The last fish you should put in that tank would be any angelfish. A pygmy or flameback or flame angel.
Originally Posted by small triggers
flame angel probably will, but so will your current tang. Anytime you do a new addition, it would be a good idea to re-aquascape,, this usually resets the territoties the fish have set for them.
thats interesting. wouldnt that cause debris and mess with the chemical integrity of the tank thus killing the current fish?
Thanks for all the input everyone! any other suggestions ae greatly appreciated!


I haven't had to change anything when I put in a new fish...I just have lots of caves...or just been lucky...My yellow tang was one of my first fish too.
Okay. I think i will get a flame angel and maybe a diamond goby? Would that be acceptable? And also, i have a flame shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. Would it be alright to get another cleaner shrimp? Thanks again!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Id try and find a diamond and pistol shrimp of some sort together its a really neat thing to watch.
Try and get the angel fish as small as possible and add it last. id wait till all other fish are fine not stressed out and have been well established.

small triggers

Active Member
as far as the scaping goes, i leave my base rocks in and they are buried, I do move around the top 6 or 7 HUGE rocks i have when I add another territorial fish ( like when i get my sohal in a few months). Though i do have 4 triggers, 2 maroon clowns and a few others, all are territorial. And no it doesnt upset anything, I use a turkey baster to clean my rocks every few days so detritus and all that other fun stuff doesnt cause a phos/nit nightmare with all the heavy eaters i have in my tank. (I also stir the sand right before i do a water change) and if you are going with smaller fish you could easily add one or 2 more.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr.312152514
Oh sorry! One more thing; Crypt Keeper-were you referring to a diamond goby and a pistol shrimp?

this the one you referring too? If so ignore the pistol shrimp. I was thinking about another one.