What fish next


First thing I know you guys love pics I am working on this .Ok now for the question I have a 55 gallon corner set up as a reef I currently have two false percula clowns,1 diamond goby ,and a 3 inch blue hippo tang,is this too much or would I be safe to add a couple more,I have a sump with bio balls ,a skimmer and about 60 lbs of live rock.My wife wants to add some colorful fish so any ideas are greatly appreciated.


Active Member
+1 i think flame angels are the coolest and nicest looking fish out there..but a risk with a reef
i would go with a flame angel. theres also a flame hawkfish who are real cool and personable, and midas blennys...real colorful and i read that they change colors depending on their mood.


Active Member
I wouldn't go for a flame angel due to your reef portion -- not sure what you have for corals but they are known coral munchers. Not all will but anyone can and IMO that takes them off the list.
Now from there... it all depends on price range, availabity and just a look at the tank to see what color/colors are missing IMO :D
Thats what makes it fun as I don't like repeating the same colors over and over but not always easy to do.


Lookin for something purple,yellow,or maybe green ,thinking maybe a yellow tang would this pose a problem .How many more fish can I safely do without jepordizing my tank these things have become my childs obsession so Im along for the rideand tryin to do things right ,my lfs will tell you anything for the sale ,so I would like to thank you guys for the help.


Active Member
midas blennys are a great yellow fish. there are also quite a few wrasses that are purple and have alot of other nice colors in them as well.


Active Member
Do a royal gramma. They have a bright yellow and purple body. Don't pay anymore than 20 bucks for them though... They are readily available and have a great personality with age. They like to find little caves and crevices and poke their head out and watch everything inside and outside. They are fast moving and like to dart about the tank. They are docile little fish. I keep one with clowns, mandarin and lots of corals. Here are some pics of mine.



I would not get a yellow tang, as you already have a hippo tang.
Royal Gramma and Orchid Dottyback are two good choices based on your colors.
Flame Hawkfish are just generally great fish with a ton of personality.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TruPerc
I would not get a yellow tang, as you already have a hippo tang.
Flame Hawkfish are just generally great fish with a ton of personality.
Yellow should do fine with a hippo, they are different shape. Now a hippo and a powered blue wouldn't mix. And a yellow and a purple or red wouldn't mix either, since they are similar shape.
I think I read somewhere that Flame hawk fish should be added last..or near last because they are territorial. This is worth looking into.


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
I think I read somewhere that Flame hawk fish should be added last..or near last because they are territorial. This is worth looking into.
yeah i've heard that too. it helps make them less aggressive and it also increases your chance of having shrimp, since they eat smaller ones, since the shrimp are est. first.


Active Member
Long nose hawk fish are pretty neat too and they have tons of personality with a great picnic blanket pattern of red and white. Strike great poses and are also watchers like the gramma.


Thanks for all the input I will read up on all the fish suggested and let you guys know what I chose.But I would Still like some input on how many fish would be fine in this tank.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Dont get a tang. Your tank is about 100 gallons to small for the hippo let alone another tang.
Get a flame hawkfish. Dont get an angel. Your tank is too small IMO.


Just an update brought home a cleaner shrimp and some yellow zoo's tonlght
,but still waitin on a fish my lfs has noooooo selection unless you want a maroon clown.