What fish next?


New Member
I am new to this hobby; I have had my 55 gallon for about four months and am finally getting going ok. I have had a few bumps in the road but now have 40 lbs of LR, 20 lbs LS 2 percs and 6 hermits. I have had the percs for a couple of weeks and am planning on taking my time adding new livestock(it is killing me to wait, but I think that one of my early problems was moving too fast). I am looking for opinions on what to add next. I am thinking about a cleaner shrimp or a decorator crab soon and in a few weeks maybe a new fish. I was thinking about adding a Naso tang, a yellow tang or a lemonpeel angel. Does anyone have some advice on any of these things? Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
My vote is no on the tangs. Any tang really needs a 75-100 gallon tank minimum. A lemon peel angel would be ok though.
Other options:
Green Chromis
Bangaii cardinal
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
Just don't put more than one dwarf angel in there. Good luck!
yah like tangs and angels wil get stressed out in a tank under 70 gallons
i think you should get a lawnmore blenny, they eat lots of algae
also put a couple turbo snails they will clean the glass
As long as things are stable in your tank, you should be fine with inverts. They are more sensitive than fish. If you like cleaners, I would get a pair IMO. Maybe a couple peppermints too? Definately some Turbos and crabs you prefer. After your inverts are in and a few weeks or more pass by, I would go Lemonpeel Angel. I have one and just love him, he is so gentle, maybe that is because he was added last. I did make sure he was at the LFS for two weeks to make sure he was healthy. He loves to swim in and out of LR all day and nips at it constantly. Be prepared for a possible picky eater. It took me a few varietys of food to figure out what he likes (blanched Broccoli and spinach are among them)!!


Before any advice can really be given we have to know what your plans are for this tank. FO, FOWL, or a reef system this info will have significant impact on stocking options.


I'd go with a yellow tang if it were me, but only because we've had a couple and they've always been easy to care for. Make sure you have a clip that you can put inside the tank so that he (or she...LOL) can get some vegetable matter (lettuce, ect...). As I (and a couple of others after I posted that I liked it) have posted a few times, the book "Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies" is a great source for new and experienced alike. Its not a "cool" name, like many here seem to think is very important, but its loaded with easy to understand information, which I think is MORE important.


Active Member

Originally posted by jp0379
I'd go with a yellow tang if it were me, but only because we've had a couple and they've always been easy to care for. Make sure you have a clip that you can put inside the tank so that he (or she...LOL) can get some vegetable matter (lettuce, ect...). As I (and a couple of others after I posted that I liked it) have posted a few times, the book "Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies" is a great source for new and experienced alike. Its not a "cool" name, like many here seem to think is very important, but its loaded with easy to understand information, which I think is MORE important.

No offense intended, but I have to disagree with you on a few points. IMO, a 55 gallon is too small for a yellow tang or any other kind of tang. (And the tang debate rages on... :p)
I agree that the clip is a good idea for those who have tangs, but I recommend putting dried seaweed sheets in it for the tangs to eat. Lettuce has no real nutritional value.


New Member
maybe a dumb question, but dried seaweed...can you use sushi roll seaweed sheets?


Kreach, no offense taken. We all have our opinions, like the old saying goes. And this board is famous (or infamous) for "the tank isnt' big enough for that fish", so I'm immune to that comment. A 55 is big enough for a tang, and it also, of course, depends on how much else you have in the tank.
As for the seaweed, its definitely better, but lettuce will do just fine.


Active Member

Originally posted by JHC
maybe a dumb question, but dried seaweed...can you use sushi roll seaweed sheets?

The seaweed used in sushi rolls, also known as nori, can be used to feed your tangs. Just be sure to get the dried kind rather than the roasted.


Active Member
I would go with the lemonpeel angel since you already have orange with the clowns. And maybe a fairy wrasse of some type and a bicolor blenny (easy to feed). Lesley
A pet is an animal kept for companionship, amusement, or interest. I do not believe anyone has the right to judge anyone on how they view their fish tank. I happen to have bought my lemonpeel because I wanted a yellow fish that would set off my newly painted sheepskin-brown walls in my great room, and he does!! As far as I see, this particular message board was created to give advice to new hobbyists and I personally have taken some great advice off this board! I would even go as far as stating that my fish are alive and my tank is nice and clean and I also love this hobby because of this board. I think the clip was just a suggestion for an addition to a diet and I am positive that someone is intelligent enough to decide that a little lettuce in a clip will probably not satisfy a fish.
Oh, yeah..... I better add one of these too ...:D
I dont think there is anything at all on this thread that refers to treating animals badly. Somehow someone is "lead to believe" that someone asking for help and advice on this hobby or about a particular fish is not treating it properly??! Hmmmm, maybe I am just irritable today as my latest PETA magazine hasn't arrived yet!!:mad:


Active Member
Oh, Yes, do add the cleaner shrimp. I love my scarlet skunk cleaner pair as they are usually in plain view (a lot of other shrimps like to hide), and are really fun to watch. If you get two they will have baby shrimp every few weeks.They won't grow to maturity in your tank, but they usually show up at night if you shine a flashlight into the tank after the tank lights are out. Any two will do as they change sexes. They are great as they don't add much to the bioload of the tank and are very curious of anything you put into the tank and immediately go to check it out.....even your hand. They like to be given some sinking pellet fish food or some other type of sinking food, a small amount once a day will do. Good luck, Lesley


I vote Royal Gramma and a yellow watchman goby. I also added scarlet and a blood shrimp a couple weeks ago and their the coolest additions yet.