What fish should i add next?


Have had 3 (3) stripe damsels and a perc clown in the tank for a while now and wondering what would be a good fish to add next??
Looking for a fish thats colorful and interesting.
(NO yellow tang!)
Thanks for the help!


i am new to the hobby but i think the copper band butterfly fish is cool and so is the hippo tang , you didn't say whether your tank is reef or fowlr or what size?? firefish are nice smaller fish also. Hope that gives you some idea's. You can see all of these on this site


Active Member
IMO, you are stocked. esspecialy if you have a new tank. But i believe that 4 fish is pleanty in a 20 gallon. Plus those 3 stripes will reach up to 5 inches or so!


Originally Posted by fishieness
IMO, you are stocked. esspecialy if you have a new tank. But i believe that 4 fish is pleanty in a 20 gallon. Plus those 3 stripes will reach up to 5 inches or so!
But there seems to be so much more space that another fish could live in??


It always does look that way. You are definately stocked, though. But if you go out on your own will and get another fish, please don't get a tang or butterfly. They are way to sensitive for a tank smaller than 75 gallons.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dragonfish
But there seems to be so much more space that another fish could live in??
depending on the fish they will fight. but space is not all that matters. your bioload is very important.


Originally Posted by TheWeirdo
It always does look that way. You are definately stocked, though. But if you go out on your own will and get another fish, please don't get a tang or butterfly. They are way to sensitive for a tank smaller than 75 gallons.
Ok tang police thats why at the top i put no yellow tang i know that they need space when i get my 150 up and running i will consider them then.
Ya i guess i really did not think about bio load.