What fish should I add to my 55?


Right now I have a 55 gallon tank with about 100lbs of rock. I have a clown, fire gobby, a blenny, and several shrimp.
I want a yellow tang and a regal tang.
Any other ideas?


New Member
anthias any anenomes will keep clown nappy make the yellow tang ur last fish because im having problems keeping any other fish with my yellow because hes territorial


Originally Posted by lizardct
anthias any anenomes will keep clown nappy make the yellow tang ur last fish because im having problems keeping any other fish with my yellow because hes territorial
Yeah I know. I am not sure what else I want though besides those 2 fish.
I have had 2 copperband butterflies and they both have died. I think the flame angels are pretty too but I think I need to add it with the tang.


Originally Posted by Racin24fan
Right now I have a 55 gallon tank with about 100lbs of rock. I have a clown, fire gobby, a blenny, and several shrimp.
I want a yellow tang and a regal tang.
Any other ideas?
I have to be honest here. The two tangs, by themselves, would be alright for awhile but not for life. Add those with several other fish and you are asking for trouble in a 55. I am not trying to flame you, but if you want to keep other fish then skip the tangs. Tangs need room. You can get away with having them in a VERY lightly stocked tank for awhile, but not when you already have fish and are planning to add others besides them.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I have to be honest here. The two tangs, by themselves, would be alright for awhile but not for life. Add those with several other fish and you are asking for trouble in a 55. I am not trying to flame you, but if you want to keep other fish then skip the tangs. Tangs need room. You can get away with having them in a VERY lightly stocked tank for awhile, but not when you already have fish and are planning to add others besides them.

I am planning on getting a bigger tank next year. At least 100 gallons. Maybe hopefully more.


id look into some dwarf angels. flame, coral beauty, or bicolor all look good and have tons of life in a 55. especially with all that rock to swim through. but if u want something smaller u can look into a wrasse or other gobies or blennies. i agree on the flame hawk too. those things are fun to watch. mine didnt harm my shrimp. just random question, what and how many shrimp do u have? i want several in my 55 but cant decide which...


Originally Posted by Reefman22
id look into some dwarf angels. flame, coral beauty, or bicolor all look good and have tons of life in a 55. especially with all that rock to swim through. but if u want something smaller u can look into a wrasse or other gobies or blennies. i agree on the flame hawk too. those things are fun to watch. mine didnt harm my shrimp. just random question, what and how many shrimp do u have? i want several in my 55 but cant decide which...
I have:
2 Fire (One Large and One Small)
1 Cleaner
1 Camelback (not very friendly and hides a lot)
1 Coral Band
1 Monkey (that I rarely see)
5 Peppermint